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2d783836 2d617678 2.......-x86-avx\n 0x00031b48 00000000 00000000 2d783836 2d737365 ........-x86-sse\n 0x00031b58 32000000 00000000 2d61726d 2d6e656f 2.......-arm-neo\n 0x00031b68 6e000000 00000000 2d707063 2d706f77 n.......-ppc-pow\n 0x00031b78 65723800 00000000 2d707063 2d616c74 er8.....-ppc-alt\n 0x00031b88 69766563 00000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 ivec..../home/na\n 0x00031b98 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x00031ba8 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f6275 ce-1/output-1/bu\n+ 0x00031ba8 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f6275 ce-1/output-2/bu\n 0x00031bb8 696c642f 61697263 7261636b 2d6e672d ild/aircrack-ng-\n 0x00031bc8 312e3600 00000000 2e6c6962 732f0000 1.6......libs/..\n 0x00031bd8 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x00031be8 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x00031bf8 7075742d 312f6275 696c642f 61697263 put-1/build/airc\n+ 0x00031bf8 7075742d 322f6275 696c642f 61697263 put-2/build/airc\n 0x00031c08 7261636b 2d6e672d 312e362f 00000000 rack-ng-1.6/....\n 0x00031c18 25732573 00000000 2f757372 2f6c6962 %s%s..../usr/lib\n 0x00031c28 00000000 00000000 6c696200 00000000 ........lib.....\n 0x00031c38 25732f25 73257325 73000000 00000000 %s/%s%s%s.......\n 0x00031c48 2e736f00 00000000 61767835 31320000 .so.....avx512..\n 0x00031c58 7838362d 61767835 31320000 00000000 x86-avx512......\n 0x00031c68 61767832 00000000 7838362d 61767832 avx2....x86-avx2\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/apitrace", "source2": "./usr/bin/apitrace", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@\n 0x0007c588 70706f72 74656420 2d2d2068 74747073 pported -- https\n 0x0007c598 3a2f2f67 6f6f2e67 6c2f4b6c 366e5455 ://goo.gl/Kl6nTU\n 0x0007c5a8 0a000000 00000000 6572726f 723a2075 ........error: u\n 0x0007c5b8 6e6b6e6f 776e2063 6f6d6d61 6e642000 nknown command .\n 0x0007c5c8 68656c70 00000000 74726163 65646966 help....tracedif\n 0x0007c5d8 662e7079 00000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 f.py..../home/na\n 0x0007c5e8 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x0007c5f8 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f686f ce-1/output-1/ho\n+ 0x0007c5f8 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f686f ce-1/output-2/ho\n 0x0007c608 73742f62 696e2f70 7974686f 6e332e38 st/bin/python3.8\n 0x0007c618 00000000 00000000 2d2d6170 69747261 ........--apitra\n 0x0007c628 63650000 00000000 4964656e 74696679 ce......Identify\n 0x0007c638 20646966 66657265 6e636573 20626574 differences bet\n 0x0007c648 7765656e 2074776f 20747261 6365732e ween two traces.\n 0x0007c658 00000000 00000000 64696666 00000000 ........diff....\n 0x0007c668 6a736f6e 64696666 2e707900 00000000 jsondiff.py.....\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/daq-modules-config", "source2": "./usr/bin/daq-modules-config", "unified_diff": "@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@\n # Script to give the appropriate compiler flags and linker flags\n # to use when building code that uses LibDAQ modules.\n #\n \n prefix=/usr\n exec_prefix=/usr\n LIBDIR=${exec_prefix}/lib\n-STATIC_LIBS=\" -lsfbpf -lpcap -lsfbpf -lnfnetlink -lnetfilter_queue -lsfbpf -lpcap -L/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib -ldnet\"\n+STATIC_LIBS=\" -lsfbpf -lpcap -lsfbpf -lnfnetlink -lnetfilter_queue -lsfbpf -lpcap -L/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib -ldnet\"\n \n static=0\n show_libs=0\n while [ \"$#\" != 0 ]\n do\n \tcase \"$1\" in\n \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/fetchmailconf", "source2": "./usr/bin/fetchmailconf", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@\n #! /bin/sh\n-exec /home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fetchmailconf.py \"$@\"\n+exec /home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fetchmailconf.py \"$@\"\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/jemalloc-config", "source2": "./usr/bin/jemalloc-config", "unified_diff": "@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@\n --version)\n \techo \"5.2.1-0-gea6b3e973b477b8061e0076bb257dbd7f3faa756\"\n \t;;\n --revision)\n \techo \"2\"\n \t;;\n --config)\n-\techo \"--target=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu --host=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --program-prefix= --disable-gtk-doc --disable-gtk-doc-html --disable-doc --disable-docs --disable-documentation --with-xmlto=no --with-fop=no --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-ipv6 --disable-nls --disable-static --enable-shared build_alias=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu host_alias=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu target_alias=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu CC=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-gcc 'CFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Os -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' LDFLAGS= 'CPPFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' CPP=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-cpp CXX=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-g++ 'CXXFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Os -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2'\"\n+\techo \"--target=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu --host=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --program-prefix= --disable-gtk-doc --disable-gtk-doc-html --disable-doc --disable-docs --disable-documentation --with-xmlto=no --with-fop=no --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-ipv6 --disable-nls --disable-static --enable-shared build_alias=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu host_alias=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu target_alias=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu CC=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-gcc 'CFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Os -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' LDFLAGS= 'CPPFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' CPP=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-cpp CXX=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-g++ 'CXXFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Os -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2'\"\n \t;;\n --prefix)\n \techo \"/usr\"\n \t;;\n --bindir)\n \techo \"/usr/bin\"\n \t;;\n@@ -56,15 +56,15 @@\n --libdir)\n \techo \"/usr/lib\"\n \t;;\n --mandir)\n \techo \"/usr/share/man\"\n \t;;\n --cc)\n-\techo \"/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-gcc\"\n+\techo \"/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-gcc\"\n \t;;\n --cflags)\n \techo \"-std=gnu11 -Wall -Wextra -Wsign-compare -Wundef -Wno-format-zero-length -pipe -g3 -fvisibility=hidden -O3 -funroll-loops -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Os -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2\"\n \t;;\n --cppflags)\n \techo \"-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT\"\n \t;;\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/ldns-config", "source2": "./usr/bin/ldns-config", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n #!/bin/sh\n \n VERSION=\"1.7.1\"\n-LDFLAGS=\" -L/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib \"\n+LDFLAGS=\" -L/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib \"\n LIBS=\" -lcrypto\"\n LIBDIR=\"${exec_prefix}/lib\"\n INCLUDEDIR=\"${prefix}/include\"\n LIBVERSION=\"3:0:0\"\n \n for arg in $@\n do\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/mpv", "source2": "./usr/bin/mpv", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -13175,15 +13175,15 @@\n 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0x000ff888 7361626c 652d636f 636f6120 2d2d6469 sable-cocoa --di\n@@ -14080,15 +14080,15 @@\n 0x00103038 20776869 63682063 6f6e7461 696e2074 which contain t\n 0x00103048 68652067 6976656e 20737472 696e6720 he given string \n 0x00103058 696e2074 68656972 206e616d 650a0a00 in their name...\n 0x00103068 25732025 730a2062 75696c74 206f6e20 %s %s. built on \n 0x00103078 25730a00 00000000 436f6e66 69677572 %s......Configur\n 0x00103088 6174696f 6e3a202f 686f6d65 2f6e616f ation: /home/nao\n 0x00103098 7572722f 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 urr/work/instanc\n- 0x001030a8 652d312f 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 e-1/output-1/hos\n+ 0x001030a8 652d312f 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 e-1/output-2/hos\n 0x001030b8 742f6269 6e2f7761 6620636f 6e666967 t/bin/waf config\n 0x001030c8 75726520 2d2d7072 65666978 3d2f7573 ure --prefix=/us\n 0x001030d8 72202d2d 6c696264 69723d2f 7573722f r --libdir=/usr/\n 0x001030e8 6c696220 2d2d7072 65666978 3d2f7573 lib --prefix=/us\n 0x001030f8 72202d2d 64697361 626c652d 616e6472 r --disable-andr\n 0x00103108 6f696420 2d2d6469 7361626c 652d6361 oid --disable-ca\n 0x00103118 6361202d 2d646973 61626c65 2d636f63 ca --disable-coc\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/postgres", "source2": "./usr/bin/postgres", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -101772,15 +101772,15 @@\n 0x00636070 6961733d 72697363 7636342d 6275696c ias=riscv64-buil\n 0x00636080 64726f6f 742d6c69 6e75782d 676e7527 droot-linux-gnu'\n 0x00636090 20277461 72676574 5f616c69 61733d72 'target_alias=r\n 0x006360a0 69736376 36342d62 75696c64 726f6f74 iscv64-buildroot\n 0x006360b0 2d6c696e 75782d67 6e752720 2743433d -linux-gnu' 'CC=\n 0x006360c0 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x006360d0 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x006360e0 7075742d 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f72 put-1/host/bin/r\n+ 0x006360e0 7075742d 322f686f 73742f62 696e2f72 put-2/host/bin/r\n 0x006360f0 69736376 36342d6c 696e7578 2d676363 iscv64-linux-gcc\n 0x00636100 27202743 464c4147 533d2d44 5f4c4152 ' 'CFLAGS=-D_LAR\n 0x00636110 47454649 4c455f53 4f555243 45202d44 GEFILE_SOURCE -D\n 0x00636120 5f4c4152 47454649 4c453634 5f534f55 _LARGEFILE64_SOU\n 0x00636130 52434520 2d445f46 494c455f 4f464653 RCE -D_FILE_OFFS\n 0x00636140 45545f42 4954533d 36342020 2d4f7320 ET_BITS=64 -Os \n 0x00636150 202d445f 464f5254 4946595f 534f5552 -D_FORTIFY_SOUR\n@@ -101788,54 +101788,54 @@\n 0x00636170 20274c49 42533d27 20274350 50464c41 'LIBS=' 'CPPFLA\n 0x00636180 47533d2d 445f4c41 52474546 494c455f GS=-D_LARGEFILE_\n 0x00636190 534f5552 4345202d 445f4c41 52474546 SOURCE -D_LARGEF\n 0x006361a0 494c4536 345f534f 55524345 202d445f ILE64_SOURCE -D_\n 0x006361b0 46494c45 5f4f4646 5345545f 42495453 FILE_OFFSET_BITS\n 0x006361c0 3d363427 20274358 583d2f68 6f6d652f =64' 'CXX=/home/\n 0x006361d0 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 naourr/work/inst\n- 0x006361e0 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f ance-1/output-1/\n+ 0x006361e0 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f ance-1/output-2/\n 0x006361f0 686f7374 2f62696e 2f726973 63763634 host/bin/riscv64\n 0x00636200 2d6c696e 75782d67 2b2b2720 27435858 -linux-g++' 'CXX\n 0x00636210 464c4147 533d2d44 5f4c4152 47454649 FLAGS=-D_LARGEFI\n 0x00636220 4c455f53 4f555243 45202d44 5f4c4152 LE_SOURCE -D_LAR\n 0x00636230 47454649 4c453634 5f534f55 52434520 GEFILE64_SOURCE \n 0x00636240 2d445f46 494c455f 4f464653 45545f42 -D_FILE_OFFSET_B\n 0x00636250 4954533d 36342020 2d4f7320 202d445f ITS=64 -Os -D_\n 0x00636260 464f5254 4946595f 534f5552 43453d32 FORTIFY_SOURCE=2\n 0x00636270 27202743 50503d2f 686f6d65 2f6e616f ' 'CPP=/home/nao\n 0x00636280 7572722f 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 urr/work/instanc\n- 0x00636290 652d312f 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 e-1/output-1/hos\n+ 0x00636290 652d312f 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 e-1/output-2/hos\n 0x006362a0 742f6269 6e2f7269 73637636 342d6c69 t/bin/riscv64-li\n 0x006362b0 6e75782d 63707027 2027504b 475f434f nux-cpp' 'PKG_CO\n 0x006362c0 4e464947 3d2f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 NFIG=/home/naour\n 0x006362d0 722f776f 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d r/work/instance-\n- 0x006362e0 312f6f75 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 1/output-1/host/\n+ 0x006362e0 312f6f75 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 1/output-2/host/\n 0x006362f0 62696e2f 706b672d 636f6e66 69672720 bin/pkg-config' \n 0x00636300 27584d4c 325f434f 4e464947 3d2f686f 'XML2_CONFIG=/ho\n 0x00636310 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f 726b2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 0x00636320 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 74707574 nstance-1/output\n- 0x00636330 2d312f68 6f73742f 72697363 7636342d -1/host/riscv64-\n+ 0x00636330 2d322f68 6f73742f 72697363 7636342d -2/host/riscv64-\n 0x00636340 6275696c 64726f6f 742d6c69 6e75782d buildroot-linux-\n 0x00636350 676e752f 73797372 6f6f742f 7573722f gnu/sysroot/usr/\n 0x00636360 62696e2f 786d6c32 2d636f6e 66696727 bin/xml2-config'\n 0x00636370 20275045 524c3d2f 7573722f 62696e2f 'PERL=/usr/bin/\n 0x00636380 7065726c 27000000 2f686f6d 652f6e61 perl'.../home/na\n 0x00636390 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x006363a0 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f686f ce-1/output-1/ho\n+ 0x006363a0 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f686f ce-1/output-2/ho\n 0x006363b0 73742f62 696e2f72 69736376 36342d6c st/bin/riscv64-l\n 0x006363c0 696e7578 2d676363 00000000 00000000 inux-gcc........\n 0x006363d0 43505046 4c414753 00000000 00000000 CPPFLAGS........\n 0x006363e0 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 5f534f55 -D_LARGEFILE_SOU\n 0x006363f0 52434520 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 RCE -D_LARGEFILE\n 0x00636400 36345f53 4f555243 45202d44 5f46494c 64_SOURCE -D_FIL\n 0x00636410 455f4f46 46534554 5f424954 533d3634 E_OFFSET_BITS=64\n 0x00636420 202d445f 474e555f 534f5552 4345202d -D_GNU_SOURCE -\n 0x00636430 492f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f I/home/naourr/wo\n 0x00636440 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 rk/instance-1/ou\n- 0x00636450 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 72697363 tput-1/host/risc\n+ 0x00636450 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 72697363 tput-2/host/risc\n 0x00636460 7636342d 6275696c 64726f6f 742d6c69 v64-buildroot-li\n 0x00636470 6e75782d 676e752f 73797372 6f6f742f nux-gnu/sysroot/\n 0x00636480 7573722f 62696e2f 2e2e2f2e 2e2f7573 usr/bin/../../us\n 0x00636490 722f696e 636c7564 652f6c69 62786d6c r/include/libxml\n 0x006364a0 32000000 00000000 43464c41 47530000 2.......CFLAGS..\n 0x006364b0 2d57616c 6c202d57 6d697373 696e672d -Wall -Wmissing-\n 0x006364c0 70726f74 6f747970 6573202d 57706f69 prototypes -Wpoi\n@@ -101858,15 +101858,15 @@\n 0x006365d0 52434520 2d445f46 494c455f 4f464653 RCE -D_FILE_OFFS\n 0x006365e0 45545f42 4954533d 36342020 2d4f7320 ET_BITS=64 -Os \n 0x006365f0 202d445f 464f5254 4946595f 534f5552 -D_FORTIFY_SOUR\n 0x00636600 43453d32 00000000 43464c41 47535f53 CE=2....CFLAGS_S\n 0x00636610 4c000000 00000000 2d665049 43000000 L.......-fPIC...\n 0x00636620 4c44464c 41475300 2d4c2f68 6f6d652f LDFLAGS.-L/home/\n 0x00636630 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 naourr/work/inst\n- 0x00636640 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f ance-1/output-1/\n+ 0x00636640 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f ance-1/output-2/\n 0x00636650 686f7374 2f726973 63763634 2d627569 host/riscv64-bui\n 0x00636660 6c64726f 6f742d6c 696e7578 2d676e75 ldroot-linux-gnu\n 0x00636670 2f737973 726f6f74 2f757372 2f62696e /sysroot/usr/bin\n 0x00636680 2f2e2e2f 2e2e2f2e 2e2f2e2e 2f726973 /../../../../ris\n 0x00636690 63763634 2d627569 6c64726f 6f742d6c cv64-buildroot-l\n 0x006366a0 696e7578 2d676e75 2f737973 726f6f74 inux-gnu/sysroot\n 0x006366b0 2f757372 2f6c6962 00000000 00000000 /usr/lib........\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/pygobject-codegen-2.0", "source2": "./usr/bin/pygobject-codegen-2.0", "unified_diff": "@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@\n datarootdir=${prefix}/share\n datadir=${datarootdir}\n codegendir=${datadir}/pygobject/2.0/codegen\n \n PYTHONPATH=$codegendir\n export PYTHONPATH\n \n-exec /home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/python2 $codegendir/codegen.py \"$@\"\n+exec /home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/python2 $codegendir/codegen.py \"$@\"\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/bin/suricata", "source2": "./usr/bin/suricata", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -11465,15 +11465,15 @@\n 0x00226338 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 \n 0x00226348 20202072 69736376 36342d62 75696c64 riscv64-build\n 0x00226358 726f6f74 2d6c696e 75782d67 6e750a20 root-linux-gnu. \n 0x00226368 20436f6d 70696c65 723a2020 20202020 Compiler: \n 0x00226378 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 \n 0x00226388 20202020 20202020 20202f68 6f6d652f /home/\n 0x00226398 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 naourr/work/inst\n- 0x002263a8 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f ance-1/output-1/\n+ 0x002263a8 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f ance-1/output-2/\n 0x002263b8 686f7374 2f62696e 2f726973 63763634 host/bin/riscv64\n 0x002263c8 2d6c696e 75782d67 63632028 65786563 -linux-gcc (exec\n 0x002263d8 206e616d 6529202f 20676363 20287265 name) / gcc (re\n 0x002263e8 616c290a 20204743 43205072 6f746563 al). GCC Protec\n 0x002263f8 7420656e 61626c65 643a2020 20202020 t enabled: \n 0x00226408 20202020 20202020 20202020 2020206e n\n 0x00226418 6f0a2020 47434320 6d617263 68206e61 o. GCC march na\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/.libkcapi.so.1.1.5.hmac", "source2": "./usr/lib/.libkcapi.so.1.1.5.hmac", "unified_diff": "@@ -1 +1 @@\n-61319b854fba435d22b950311aca12b684e8a10014f4d13a02907ccea84dc081 */home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/target/usr/lib/libkcapi.so.1.1.5\n+61319b854fba435d22b950311aca12b684e8a10014f4d13a02907ccea84dc081 */home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/target/usr/lib/libkcapi.so.1.1.5\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/.libkcapi.so.1.hmac", "source2": "./usr/lib/.libkcapi.so.1.hmac", "unified_diff": "@@ -1 +1 @@\n-61319b854fba435d22b950311aca12b684e8a10014f4d13a02907ccea84dc081 */home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/target/usr/lib/libkcapi.so.1\n+61319b854fba435d22b950311aca12b684e8a10014f4d13a02907ccea84dc081 */home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/target/usr/lib/libkcapi.so.1\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/.libkcapi.so.hmac", "source2": "./usr/lib/.libkcapi.so.hmac", "unified_diff": "@@ -1 +1 @@\n-61319b854fba435d22b950311aca12b684e8a10014f4d13a02907ccea84dc081 */home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/target/usr/lib/libkcapi.so\n+61319b854fba435d22b950311aca12b684e8a10014f4d13a02907ccea84dc081 */home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/target/usr/lib/libkcapi.so\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.0.8/config-Q16HDRI/configure.xml", "source2": "./usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.0.8/config-Q16HDRI/configure.xml", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.0.8/config-Q16HDRI/configure.xml", "source2": "./usr/lib/ImageMagick-7.0.8/config-Q16HDRI/configure.xml", "unified_diff": "@@ -6,37 +6,37 @@\n \n ]>\n \n \n- \n- \n+ \n+ \n \n \n- \n+ \n \n \n \n- \n+ \n \n \n- ...?fftw-3.3\n 0x002133f0 2e380000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .8..............\n 0x00213400 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x00213410 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x00213420 7075742d 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f72 put-1/host/bin/r\n+ 0x00213420 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-1,9 +1,9 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.data':\n 0x00004000 00000000 00000000 02000000 00000000 ................\n- 0x00004010 c02a1ce8 93a90500 00000000 00000000 .*..............\n+ 0x00004010 80a8243b 96a90500 00000000 00000000 ..$;............\n 0x00004020 04190000 00000000 01000000 00000000 ................\n 0x00004030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x00004040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n 0x00004050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................\n \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libplds4.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/libplds4.so", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.data {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.data':\n 0x00004000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 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62707300 00000000 6f75742d 3e63685f bps.....out->ch_\n 0x00010ed8 636f756e 74203d3d 20696e2d 3e63685f count == in->ch_\n 0x00010ee8 636f756e 74000000 2d2d656e 61626c65 count...--enable\n 0x00010ef8 2d63726f 73732d63 6f6d7069 6c65202d -cross-compile -\n 0x00010f08 2d63726f 73732d70 72656669 783d2f68 -cross-prefix=/h\n 0x00010f18 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x00010f28 696e7374 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 instance-1/outpu\n- 0x00010f38 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f726973 t-1/host/bin/ris\n+ 0x00010f38 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f726973 t-2/host/bin/ris\n 0x00010f48 63763634 2d6c696e 75782d20 2d2d7379 cv64-linux- --sy\n 0x00010f58 73726f6f 743d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 sroot=/home/naou\n 0x00010f68 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 rr/work/instance\n- 0x00010f78 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -1/output-1/host\n+ 0x00010f78 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -1/output-2/host\n 0x00010f88 2f726973 63763634 2d627569 6c64726f /riscv64-buildro\n 0x00010f98 6f742d6c 696e7578 2d676e75 2f737973 ot-linux-gnu/sys\n 0x00010fa8 726f6f74 202d2d68 6f73742d 63633d2f root --host-cc=/\n 0x00010fb8 7573722f 62696e2f 67636320 2d2d6172 usr/bin/gcc --ar\n 0x00010fc8 63683d72 69736376 3634202d 2d746172 ch=riscv64 --tar\n 0x00010fd8 6765742d 6f733d6c 696e7578 202d2d64 get-os=linux --d\n 0x00010fe8 69736162 6c652d73 74726970 70696e67 isable-stripping\n 0x00010ff8 202d2d70 6b672d63 6f6e6669 673d2f68 --pkg-config=/h\n 0x00011008 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x00011018 696e7374 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 instance-1/outpu\n- 0x00011028 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f706b67 t-1/host/bin/pkg\n+ 0x00011028 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f706b67 t-2/host/bin/pkg\n 0x00011038 2d636f6e 66696720 2d2d6469 7361626c -config --disabl\n 0x00011048 652d7374 61746963 202d2d65 6e61626c e-static --enabl\n 0x00011058 652d7368 61726564 202d2d70 72656669 e-shared --prefi\n 0x00011068 783d2f75 7372202d 2d656e61 626c652d x=/usr --enable-\n 0x00011078 61766669 6c746572 202d2d64 69736162 avfilter --disab\n 0x00011088 6c652d76 65727369 6f6e3320 2d2d656e le-version3 --en\n 0x00011098 61626c65 2d6c6f67 67696e67 202d2d65 able-logging --e\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/libswscale.so.5.5.100", "source2": "./usr/lib/libswscale.so.5.5.100", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -451,30 +451,30 @@\n 0x0006e548 20736361 6c696e67 0a000000 00000000 scaling........\n 0x0006e558 7377733a 20696e69 7446696c 74657220 sws: initFilter \n 0x0006e568 6661696c 65640a00 2d2d656e 61626c65 failed..--enable\n 0x0006e578 2d63726f 73732d63 6f6d7069 6c65202d -cross-compile -\n 0x0006e588 2d63726f 73732d70 72656669 783d2f68 -cross-prefix=/h\n 0x0006e598 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x0006e5a8 696e7374 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 instance-1/outpu\n- 0x0006e5b8 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f726973 t-1/host/bin/ris\n+ 0x0006e5b8 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f726973 t-2/host/bin/ris\n 0x0006e5c8 63763634 2d6c696e 75782d20 2d2d7379 cv64-linux- --sy\n 0x0006e5d8 73726f6f 743d2f68 6f6d652f 6e616f75 sroot=/home/naou\n 0x0006e5e8 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 616e6365 rr/work/instance\n- 0x0006e5f8 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f 686f7374 -1/output-1/host\n+ 0x0006e5f8 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f 686f7374 -1/output-2/host\n 0x0006e608 2f726973 63763634 2d627569 6c64726f /riscv64-buildro\n 0x0006e618 6f742d6c 696e7578 2d676e75 2f737973 ot-linux-gnu/sys\n 0x0006e628 726f6f74 202d2d68 6f73742d 63633d2f root --host-cc=/\n 0x0006e638 7573722f 62696e2f 67636320 2d2d6172 usr/bin/gcc --ar\n 0x0006e648 63683d72 69736376 3634202d 2d746172 ch=riscv64 --tar\n 0x0006e658 6765742d 6f733d6c 696e7578 202d2d64 get-os=linux --d\n 0x0006e668 69736162 6c652d73 74726970 70696e67 isable-stripping\n 0x0006e678 202d2d70 6b672d63 6f6e6669 673d2f68 --pkg-config=/h\n 0x0006e688 6f6d652f 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 0x0006e698 696e7374 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 instance-1/outpu\n- 0x0006e6a8 742d312f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f706b67 t-1/host/bin/pkg\n+ 0x0006e6a8 742d322f 686f7374 2f62696e 2f706b67 t-2/host/bin/pkg\n 0x0006e6b8 2d636f6e 66696720 2d2d6469 7361626c -config --disabl\n 0x0006e6c8 652d7374 61746963 202d2d65 6e61626c e-static --enabl\n 0x0006e6d8 652d7368 61726564 202d2d70 72656669 e-shared --prefi\n 0x0006e6e8 783d2f75 7372202d 2d656e61 626c652d x=/usr --enable-\n 0x0006e6f8 61766669 6c746572 202d2d64 69736162 avfilter --disab\n 0x0006e708 6c652d76 65727369 6f6e3320 2d2d656e le-version3 --en\n 0x0006e718 61626c65 2d6c6f67 67696e67 202d2d65 able-logging --e\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/python2.7/_sysconfigdata.pyc", "source2": "./usr/lib/python2.7/_sysconfigdata.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@\n 00000f00: 365a 0000 648e 0253 288f 0200 0069 0000 6Z..d..S(....i..\n 00000f10: 0000 7418 0000 0041 435f 4150 504c 455f ..t....AC_APPLE_\n 00000f20: 554e 4956 4552 5341 4c5f 4255 494c 4474 UNIVERSAL_BUILDt\n 00000f30: 1500 0000 4149 585f 4745 4e55 494e 455f ....AIX_GENUINE_\n 00000f40: 4350 4c55 5350 4c55 5373 3f00 0000 2f68 CPLUSPLUSs?.../h\n 00000f50: 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 00000f60: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-1/outpu\n-00000f70: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-1/host/bin/ris\n+00000f70: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-2/host/bin/ris\n 00000f80: 6376 3634 2d6c 696e 7578 2d61 7274 0200 cv64-linux-art..\n 00000f90: 0000 4152 7402 0000 0072 6374 0700 0000 ..ARt....rct....\n 00000fa0: 4152 464c 4147 5374 0e00 0000 4154 4845 ARFLAGSt....ATHE\n 00000fb0: 4f53 5f54 4852 4541 4453 7314 0000 002d OS_THREADSs....-\n 00000fc0: 666e 6f2d 7374 7269 6374 2d61 6c69 6173 fno-strict-alias\n 00000fd0: 696e 6774 0a00 0000 4241 5345 4346 4c41 ingt....BASECFLA\n 00000fe0: 4753 7400 0000 0074 0b00 0000 4241 5345 GSt....t....BASE\n@@ -259,23 +259,23 @@\n 00001020: 7312 0000 002f 7573 722f 6c69 622f 7079 s..../usr/lib/py\n 00001030: 7468 6f6e 322e 3774 0a00 0000 4249 4e4c thon2.7t....BINL\n 00001040: 4942 4445 5354 730f 0000 002d 4c2e 202d IBDESTs....-L. -\n 00001050: 6c70 7974 686f 6e32 2e37 740a 0000 0042 lpython2.7t....B\n 00001060: 4c44 4c49 4252 4152 5973 4800 0000 2f68 LDLIBRARYsH.../h\n 00001070: 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 00001080: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-1/outpu\n-00001090: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-1/host/bin/ris\n+00001090: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-2/host/bin/ris\n 000010a0: 6376 3634 2d6c 696e 7578 2d67 6363 202d cv64-linux-gcc -\n 000010b0: 7368 6172 6564 7409 0000 0042 4c44 5348 sharedt....BLDSH\n 000010c0: 4152 4544 7408 0000 0042 5549 4c44 4558 AREDt....BUILDEX\n 000010d0: 4574 0600 0000 7079 7468 6f6e 740b 0000 Et....pythont...\n 000010e0: 0042 5549 4c44 5059 5448 4f4e 7340 0000 .BUILDPYTHONs@..\n 000010f0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f ./home/naourr/wo\n 00001100: 726b 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 rk/instance-1/ou\n-00001110: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f tput-1/host/bin/\n+00001110: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f tput-2/host/bin/\n 00001120: 7269 7363 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 6763 riscv64-linux-gc\n 00001130: 6374 0200 0000 4343 7305 0000 002d 6650 ct....CCs....-fP\n 00001140: 4943 7408 0000 0043 4353 4841 5245 4473 ICt....CCSHAREDs\n 00001150: a100 0000 2d66 6e6f 2d73 7472 6963 742d ....-fno-strict-\n 00001160: 616c 6961 7369 6e67 202d 445f 4c41 5247 aliasing -D_LARG\n 00001170: 4546 494c 455f 534f 5552 4345 202d 445f EFILE_SOURCE -D_\n 00001180: 4c41 5247 4546 494c 4536 345f 534f 5552 LARGEFILE64_SOUR\n@@ -347,15 +347,15 @@\n 000015a0: 7527 2027 686f 7374 5f61 6c69 6173 3d72 u' 'host_alias=r\n 000015b0: 6973 6376 3634 2d62 7569 6c64 726f 6f74 iscv64-buildroot\n 000015c0: 2d6c 696e 7578 2d67 6e75 2720 2774 6172 -linux-gnu' 'tar\n 000015d0: 6765 745f 616c 6961 733d 7269 7363 7636 get_alias=riscv6\n 000015e0: 342d 6275 696c 6472 6f6f 742d 6c69 6e75 4-buildroot-linu\n 000015f0: 782d 676e 7527 2027 4343 3d2f 686f 6d65 x-gnu' 'CC=/home\n 00001600: 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 /naourr/work/ins\n-00001610: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-1/output-1\n+00001610: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-1/output-2\n 00001620: 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 7636 /host/bin/riscv6\n 00001630: 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 6763 6327 2027 4346 4-linux-gcc' 'CF\n 00001640: 4c41 4753 3d2d 445f 4c41 5247 4546 494c LAGS=-D_LARGEFIL\n 00001650: 455f 534f 5552 4345 202d 445f 4c41 5247 E_SOURCE -D_LARG\n 00001660: 4546 494c 4536 345f 534f 5552 4345 202d EFILE64_SOURCE -\n 00001670: 445f 4649 4c45 5f4f 4646 5345 545f 4249 D_FILE_OFFSET_BI\n 00001680: 5453 3d36 3420 202d 4f73 2020 2d44 5f46 TS=64 -Os -D_F\n@@ -364,39 +364,39 @@\n 000016b0: 464c 4147 533d 2d44 5f4c 4152 4745 4649 FLAGS=-D_LARGEFI\n 000016c0: 4c45 5f53 4f55 5243 4520 2d44 5f4c 4152 LE_SOURCE -D_LAR\n 000016d0: 4745 4649 4c45 3634 5f53 4f55 5243 4520 GEFILE64_SOURCE \n 000016e0: 2d44 5f46 494c 455f 4f46 4653 4554 5f42 -D_FILE_OFFSET_B\n 000016f0: 4954 533d 3634 2720 2743 5050 3d2f 686f ITS=64' 'CPP=/ho\n 00001700: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 00001710: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-00001720: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -1/host/bin/risc\n+00001720: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -2/host/bin/risc\n 00001730: 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 6370 7027 2027 v64-linux-cpp' '\n 00001740: 504b 475f 434f 4e46 4947 3d2f 686f 6d65 PKG_CONFIG=/home\n 00001750: 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 /naourr/work/ins\n-00001760: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-1/output-1\n+00001760: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-1/output-2\n 00001770: 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 706b 672d 636f /host/bin/pkg-co\n 00001780: 6e66 6967 2774 0b00 0000 434f 4e46 4947 nfig't....CONFIG\n 00001790: 5f41 5247 5373 0c00 0000 2f75 7372 2f69 _ARGSs..../usr/i\n 000017a0: 6e63 6c75 6465 740e 0000 0043 4f4e 4649 ncludet....CONFI\n 000017b0: 4e43 4c55 4445 4449 5273 1600 0000 2f75 NCLUDEDIRs..../u\n 000017c0: 7372 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7974 686f sr/include/pytho\n 000017d0: 6e32 2e37 740d 0000 0043 4f4e 4649 4e43 n2.7t....CONFINC\n 000017e0: 4c55 4445 5059 731b 0000 003a 706c 6174 LUDEPYs....:plat\n 000017f0: 2d6c 696e 7578 323a 6c69 622d 746b 3a6c -linux2:lib-tk:l\n 00001800: 6962 2d6f 6c64 740e 0000 0043 4f52 4550 ib-oldt....COREP\n 00001810: 5954 484f 4e50 4154 4873 4700 0000 2f68 YTHONPATHsG.../h\n 00001820: 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 00001830: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-1/outpu\n-00001840: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e t-1/build/python\n+00001840: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e t-2/build/python\n 00001850: 2d32 2e37 2e31 382f 636f 7665 7261 6765 -2.7.18/coverage\n 00001860: 2e69 6e66 6f74 0d00 0000 434f 5645 5241 .infot....COVERA\n 00001870: 4745 5f49 4e46 4f73 4500 0000 2f68 6f6d GE_INFOsE.../hom\n 00001880: 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f 696e e/naourr/work/in\n 00001890: 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-1/output-\n-000018a0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e 2d32 1/build/python-2\n+000018a0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e 2d32 2/build/python-2\n 000018b0: 2e37 2e31 382f 6c63 6f76 2d72 6570 6f72 .7.18/lcov-repor\n 000018c0: 7474 0f00 0000 434f 5645 5241 4745 5f52 tt....COVERAGE_R\n 000018d0: 4550 4f52 5473 3200 0000 2d2d 6e6f 2d62 EPORTs2...--no-b\n 000018e0: 7261 6e63 682d 636f 7665 7261 6765 202d ranch-coverage -\n 000018f0: 2d74 6974 6c65 2022 4350 7974 686f 6e20 -title \"CPython \n 00001900: 6c63 6f76 2072 6570 6f72 7422 7417 0000 lcov report\"t...\n 00001910: 0043 4f56 4552 4147 455f 5245 504f 5254 .COVERAGE_REPORT\n@@ -405,15 +405,15 @@\n 00001940: 6e63 6c75 6465 202d 445f 4c41 5247 4546 nclude -D_LARGEF\n 00001950: 494c 455f 534f 5552 4345 202d 445f 4c41 ILE_SOURCE -D_LA\n 00001960: 5247 4546 494c 4536 345f 534f 5552 4345 RGEFILE64_SOURCE\n 00001970: 202d 445f 4649 4c45 5f4f 4646 5345 545f -D_FILE_OFFSET_\n 00001980: 4249 5453 3d36 3474 0800 0000 4350 5046 BITS=64t....CPPF\n 00001990: 4c41 4753 7340 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f6e LAGSs@.../home/n\n 000019a0: 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 7461 aourr/work/insta\n-000019b0: 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-1/output-1/h\n+000019b0: 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-1/output-2/h\n 000019c0: 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 7636 342d ost/bin/riscv64-\n 000019d0: 6c69 6e75 782d 672b 2b74 0300 0000 4358 linux-g++t....CX\n 000019e0: 5874 0900 0000 435f 5448 5245 4144 5373 Xt....C_THREADSs\n 000019f0: 3f00 0000 2f75 7372 202f 7573 722f 6c69 ?.../usr /usr/li\n 00001a00: 6220 2f75 7372 2f6c 6962 2f70 7974 686f b /usr/lib/pytho\n 00001a10: 6e32 2e37 202f 7573 722f 6c69 622f 7079 n2.7 /usr/lib/py\n 00001a20: 7468 6f6e 322e 372f 6c69 622d 6479 6e6c thon2.7/lib-dynl\n@@ -871,15 +871,15 @@\n 00003660: 7461 6c6c 202d 6320 2d6d 2035 3535 740e tall -c -m 555t.\n 00003670: 0000 0049 4e53 5441 4c4c 5f53 4841 5245 ...INSTALL_SHARE\n 00003680: 4473 1300 0000 6c69 6270 7974 686f 6e32 Ds....libpython2\n 00003690: 2e37 2e73 6f2e 312e 3074 0a00 0000 494e .7.so.1.0t....IN\n 000036a0: 5354 534f 4e41 4d45 7348 0000 002f 686f STSONAMEsH.../ho\n 000036b0: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 000036c0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-000036d0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -1/host/bin/risc\n+000036d0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -2/host/bin/risc\n 000036e0: 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 672b 2b20 2d73 v64-linux-g++ -s\n 000036f0: 6861 7265 6474 0b00 0000 4c44 4358 5853 haredt....LDCXXS\n 00003700: 4841 5245 4474 0700 0000 4c44 464c 4147 HAREDt....LDFLAG\n 00003710: 5374 0600 0000 4c44 4c41 5354 730f 0000 St....LDLASTs...\n 00003720: 006c 6962 7079 7468 6f6e 322e 372e 736f .libpython2.7.so\n 00003730: 7409 0000 004c 444c 4942 5241 5259 740c t....LDLIBRARYt.\n 00003740: 0000 004c 444c 4942 5241 5259 4449 5274 ...LDLIBRARYDIRt\n@@ -1025,25 +1025,25 @@\n 00004000: 414d 4557 4f52 4b49 4e53 5441 4c4c 4449 AMEWORKINSTALLDI\n 00004010: 5274 1500 0000 5059 5448 4f4e 4652 414d Rt....PYTHONFRAM\n 00004020: 4557 4f52 4b50 5245 4649 5874 0a00 0000 EWORKPREFIXt....\n 00004030: 5059 5448 4f4e 5041 5448 7331 0100 005f PYTHONPATHs1..._\n 00004040: 5059 5448 4f4e 5f50 524f 4a45 4354 5f42 PYTHON_PROJECT_B\n 00004050: 4153 453d 2f68 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 ASE=/home/naourr\n 00004060: 2f77 6f72 6b2f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 /work/instance-1\n-00004070: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00004070: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00004080: 7079 7468 6f6e 2d32 2e37 2e31 3820 5f50 python-2.7.18 _P\n 00004090: 5954 484f 4e5f 484f 5354 5f50 4c41 5446 YTHON_HOST_PLATF\n 000040a0: 4f52 4d3d 2428 5f50 5954 484f 4e5f 484f ORM=$(_PYTHON_HO\n 000040b0: 5354 5f50 4c41 5446 4f52 4d29 2050 5954 ST_PLATFORM) PYT\n 000040c0: 484f 4e50 4154 483d 2428 7368 656c 6c20 HONPATH=$(shell \n 000040d0: 7465 7374 202d 6620 7079 7379 7363 6f6e test -f pysyscon\n 000040e0: 6669 6764 6174 6164 6972 2e74 7874 2026 figdatadir.txt &\n 000040f0: 2620 6563 686f 202f 686f 6d65 2f6e 616f & echo /home/nao\n 00004100: 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 urr/work/instanc\n-00004110: 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-1/output-1/bui\n+00004110: 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-1/output-2/bui\n 00004120: 6c64 2f70 7974 686f 6e2d 322e 372e 3138 ld/python-2.7.18\n 00004130: 2f60 6361 7420 7079 7379 7363 6f6e 6669 /`cat pysysconfi\n 00004140: 6764 6174 6164 6972 2e74 7874 603a 292e gdatadir.txt`:).\n 00004150: 2f4c 6962 3a2e 2f4c 6962 2f70 6c61 742d /Lib:./Lib/plat-\n 00004160: 6c69 6e75 7832 2070 7974 686f 6e32 2e37 linux2 python2.7\n 00004170: 7410 0000 0050 5954 484f 4e5f 464f 525f t....PYTHON_FOR_\n 00004180: 4255 494c 4473 0900 0000 7079 7468 6f6e BUILDs....python\n@@ -1083,15 +1083,15 @@\n 000043a0: 4943 4f44 4573 2c00 0000 2d6c 202d 7820 ICODEs,...-l -x \n 000043b0: 7465 7374 5f73 7562 7072 6f63 6573 7320 test_subprocess \n 000043c0: 7465 7374 5f69 6f20 7465 7374 5f6c 6962 test_io test_lib\n 000043d0: 3274 6f33 205c 740d 0000 0051 5549 434b 2to3 \\t....QUICK\n 000043e0: 5445 5354 4f50 5453 7343 0000 002f 686f TESTOPTSsC.../ho\n 000043f0: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 00004400: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-00004410: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -1/host/bin/risc\n+00004410: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -2/host/bin/risc\n 00004420: 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 7261 6e6c 6962 v64-linux-ranlib\n 00004430: 7406 0000 0052 414e 4c49 4273 1700 0000 t....RANLIBs....\n 00004440: 4d61 632f 5265 736f 7572 6365 732f 6672 Mac/Resources/fr\n 00004450: 616d 6577 6f72 6b74 0900 0000 5245 5353 ameworkt....RESS\n 00004460: 5243 4449 5274 0400 0000 766f 6964 740a RCDIRt....voidt.\n 00004470: 0000 0052 4554 5349 4754 5950 4574 0900 ...RETSIGTYPEt..\n 00004480: 0000 5255 4e53 4841 5245 4474 0900 0000 ..RUNSHAREDt....\n@@ -1196,15 +1196,15 @@\n 00004ab0: 524f 554e 4449 4e47 7329 0000 0078 6d6c ROUNDINGs)...xml\n 00004ac0: 2078 6d6c 2f64 6f6d 2078 6d6c 2f65 7472 xml/dom xml/etr\n 00004ad0: 6565 2078 6d6c 2f70 6172 7365 7273 2078 ee xml/parsers x\n 00004ae0: 6d6c 2f73 6178 740d 0000 0058 4d4c 4c49 ml/saxt....XMLLI\n 00004af0: 4253 5542 4449 5253 7339 0000 002f 686f BSUBDIRSs9.../ho\n 00004b00: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 00004b10: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-00004b20: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7974 686f 6e2d -1/build/python-\n+00004b20: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7974 686f 6e2d -2/build/python-\n 00004b30: 322e 372e 3138 740c 0000 0061 6273 5f62 2.7.18t....abs_b\n 00004b40: 7569 6c64 6469 7274 0a00 0000 6162 735f uilddirt....abs_\n 00004b50: 7372 6364 6972 7313 0000 0078 3836 5f36 srcdirs....x86_6\n 00004b60: 342d 7063 2d6c 696e 7578 2d67 6e75 7405 4-pc-linux-gnut.\n 00004b70: 0000 0062 7569 6c64 730a 0000 002f 7573 ...builds..../us\n 00004b80: 722f 7368 6172 6574 0b00 0000 6461 7461 r/sharet....data\n 00004b90: 726f 6f74 6469 7273 0400 0000 2f75 7372 rootdirs..../usr\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/python2.7/config/Makefile", "source2": "./usr/lib/python2.7/config/Makefile", "unified_diff": "@@ -24,25 +24,25 @@\n MODOBJS= Modules/threadmodule.o Modules/signalmodule.o Modules/posixmodule.o Modules/errnomodule.o Modules/pwdmodule.o Modules/_sre.o Modules/_codecsmodule.o Modules/_weakref.o Modules/zipimport.o Modules/symtablemodule.o Modules/xxsubtype.o\n MODLIBS= $(LOCALMODLIBS) $(BASEMODLIBS)\n \n # === Variables set by configure\n VERSION=\t2.7\n srcdir=\t\t.\n \n-abs_srcdir=\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/build/python-2.7.18\n-abs_builddir=\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/build/python-2.7.18\n+abs_srcdir=\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/build/python-2.7.18\n+abs_builddir=\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/build/python-2.7.18\n build=\t\tx86_64-pc-linux-gnu\n host=\t\triscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu\n \n-CC=\t\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-gcc\n-CXX=\t\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-g++\n+CC=\t\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-gcc\n+CXX=\t\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-g++\n MAINCC=\t\t$(CC)\n LINKCC=\t\t$(PURIFY) $(MAINCC)\n-AR=\t\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-ar\n-RANLIB=\t\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-ranlib\n+AR=\t\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-ar\n+RANLIB=\t\t/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-ranlib\n GITVERSION=\t\n GITTAG=\t\t\n GITBRANCH=\t\n PGO_PROF_GEN_FLAG=-fprofile-generate\n PGO_PROF_USE_FLAG=-fprofile-use -fprofile-correction\n LLVM_PROF_MERGER=true\n LLVM_PROF_FILE=\n@@ -155,15 +155,15 @@\n # Modes for directories, executables and data files created by the\n # install process. Default to user-only-writable for all file types.\n DIRMODE=\t755\n EXEMODE=\t755\n FILEMODE=\t644\n \n # configure script arguments\n-CONFIG_ARGS=\t '--target=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu' '--host=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu' '--build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--program-prefix=' '--disable-gtk-doc' '--disable-gtk-doc-html' '--disable-doc' '--disable-docs' '--disable-documentation' '--with-xmlto=no' '--with-fop=no' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--enable-ipv6' '--disable-nls' '--disable-static' '--enable-shared' '--disable-readline' '--with-expat=system' '--disable-bsddb' '--disable-ossaudiodev' '--without-cxx-main' '--without-doc-strings' '--with-system-ffi' '--disable-pydoc' '--disable-test-modules' '--disable-lib2to3' '--disable-gdbm' '--disable-tk' '--disable-nis' '--disable-dbm' '--disable-pyo-build' '--disable-pyc-build' 'build_alias=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' 'host_alias=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu' 'target_alias=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu' 'CC=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-gcc' 'CFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Os -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' 'LDFLAGS=' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' 'CPP=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-cpp' 'PKG_CONFIG=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/pkg-config'\n+CONFIG_ARGS=\t '--target=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu' '--host=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu' '--build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr' '--exec-prefix=/usr' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var' '--program-prefix=' '--disable-gtk-doc' '--disable-gtk-doc-html' '--disable-doc' '--disable-docs' '--disable-documentation' '--with-xmlto=no' '--with-fop=no' '--disable-dependency-tracking' '--enable-ipv6' '--disable-nls' '--disable-static' '--enable-shared' '--disable-readline' '--with-expat=system' '--disable-bsddb' '--disable-ossaudiodev' '--without-cxx-main' '--without-doc-strings' '--with-system-ffi' '--disable-pydoc' '--disable-test-modules' '--disable-lib2to3' '--disable-gdbm' '--disable-tk' '--disable-nis' '--disable-dbm' '--disable-pyo-build' '--disable-pyc-build' 'build_alias=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu' 'host_alias=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu' 'target_alias=riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu' 'CC=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-gcc' 'CFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Os -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' 'LDFLAGS=' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' 'CPP=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/riscv64-linux-cpp' 'PKG_CONFIG=/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/bin/pkg-config'\n \n # disabled extensions\n DISABLED_EXTENSIONS=\t nis readline dbm gdbm _bsddb _tkinter ossaudiodev\n \n # Subdirectories with code\n SRCDIRS= \tParser Objects Python Modules Modules/_io\n \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/sysconfigdata/_sysconfigdata.pyc", "source2": "./usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/sysconfigdata/_sysconfigdata.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@\n 00000f00: 365a 0000 648e 0253 288f 0200 0069 0000 6Z..d..S(....i..\n 00000f10: 0000 7418 0000 0041 435f 4150 504c 455f ..t....AC_APPLE_\n 00000f20: 554e 4956 4552 5341 4c5f 4255 494c 4474 UNIVERSAL_BUILDt\n 00000f30: 1500 0000 4149 585f 4745 4e55 494e 455f ....AIX_GENUINE_\n 00000f40: 4350 4c55 5350 4c55 5373 3f00 0000 2f68 CPLUSPLUSs?.../h\n 00000f50: 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 00000f60: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-1/outpu\n-00000f70: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-1/host/bin/ris\n+00000f70: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-2/host/bin/ris\n 00000f80: 6376 3634 2d6c 696e 7578 2d61 7274 0200 cv64-linux-art..\n 00000f90: 0000 4152 7402 0000 0072 6374 0700 0000 ..ARt....rct....\n 00000fa0: 4152 464c 4147 5374 0e00 0000 4154 4845 ARFLAGSt....ATHE\n 00000fb0: 4f53 5f54 4852 4541 4453 7314 0000 002d OS_THREADSs....-\n 00000fc0: 666e 6f2d 7374 7269 6374 2d61 6c69 6173 fno-strict-alias\n 00000fd0: 696e 6774 0a00 0000 4241 5345 4346 4c41 ingt....BASECFLA\n 00000fe0: 4753 7400 0000 0074 0b00 0000 4241 5345 GSt....t....BASE\n@@ -259,23 +259,23 @@\n 00001020: 7312 0000 002f 7573 722f 6c69 622f 7079 s..../usr/lib/py\n 00001030: 7468 6f6e 322e 3774 0a00 0000 4249 4e4c thon2.7t....BINL\n 00001040: 4942 4445 5354 730f 0000 002d 4c2e 202d IBDESTs....-L. -\n 00001050: 6c70 7974 686f 6e32 2e37 740a 0000 0042 lpython2.7t....B\n 00001060: 4c44 4c49 4252 4152 5973 4800 0000 2f68 LDLIBRARYsH.../h\n 00001070: 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 00001080: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-1/outpu\n-00001090: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-1/host/bin/ris\n+00001090: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-2/host/bin/ris\n 000010a0: 6376 3634 2d6c 696e 7578 2d67 6363 202d cv64-linux-gcc -\n 000010b0: 7368 6172 6564 7409 0000 0042 4c44 5348 sharedt....BLDSH\n 000010c0: 4152 4544 7408 0000 0042 5549 4c44 4558 AREDt....BUILDEX\n 000010d0: 4574 0600 0000 7079 7468 6f6e 740b 0000 Et....pythont...\n 000010e0: 0042 5549 4c44 5059 5448 4f4e 7340 0000 .BUILDPYTHONs@..\n 000010f0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f ./home/naourr/wo\n 00001100: 726b 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 rk/instance-1/ou\n-00001110: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f tput-1/host/bin/\n+00001110: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f tput-2/host/bin/\n 00001120: 7269 7363 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 6763 riscv64-linux-gc\n 00001130: 6374 0200 0000 4343 7305 0000 002d 6650 ct....CCs....-fP\n 00001140: 4943 7408 0000 0043 4353 4841 5245 4473 ICt....CCSHAREDs\n 00001150: a100 0000 2d66 6e6f 2d73 7472 6963 742d ....-fno-strict-\n 00001160: 616c 6961 7369 6e67 202d 445f 4c41 5247 aliasing -D_LARG\n 00001170: 4546 494c 455f 534f 5552 4345 202d 445f EFILE_SOURCE -D_\n 00001180: 4c41 5247 4546 494c 4536 345f 534f 5552 LARGEFILE64_SOUR\n@@ -347,15 +347,15 @@\n 000015a0: 7527 2027 686f 7374 5f61 6c69 6173 3d72 u' 'host_alias=r\n 000015b0: 6973 6376 3634 2d62 7569 6c64 726f 6f74 iscv64-buildroot\n 000015c0: 2d6c 696e 7578 2d67 6e75 2720 2774 6172 -linux-gnu' 'tar\n 000015d0: 6765 745f 616c 6961 733d 7269 7363 7636 get_alias=riscv6\n 000015e0: 342d 6275 696c 6472 6f6f 742d 6c69 6e75 4-buildroot-linu\n 000015f0: 782d 676e 7527 2027 4343 3d2f 686f 6d65 x-gnu' 'CC=/home\n 00001600: 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 /naourr/work/ins\n-00001610: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-1/output-1\n+00001610: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-1/output-2\n 00001620: 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 7636 /host/bin/riscv6\n 00001630: 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 6763 6327 2027 4346 4-linux-gcc' 'CF\n 00001640: 4c41 4753 3d2d 445f 4c41 5247 4546 494c LAGS=-D_LARGEFIL\n 00001650: 455f 534f 5552 4345 202d 445f 4c41 5247 E_SOURCE -D_LARG\n 00001660: 4546 494c 4536 345f 534f 5552 4345 202d EFILE64_SOURCE -\n 00001670: 445f 4649 4c45 5f4f 4646 5345 545f 4249 D_FILE_OFFSET_BI\n 00001680: 5453 3d36 3420 202d 4f73 2020 2d44 5f46 TS=64 -Os -D_F\n@@ -364,39 +364,39 @@\n 000016b0: 464c 4147 533d 2d44 5f4c 4152 4745 4649 FLAGS=-D_LARGEFI\n 000016c0: 4c45 5f53 4f55 5243 4520 2d44 5f4c 4152 LE_SOURCE -D_LAR\n 000016d0: 4745 4649 4c45 3634 5f53 4f55 5243 4520 GEFILE64_SOURCE \n 000016e0: 2d44 5f46 494c 455f 4f46 4653 4554 5f42 -D_FILE_OFFSET_B\n 000016f0: 4954 533d 3634 2720 2743 5050 3d2f 686f ITS=64' 'CPP=/ho\n 00001700: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 00001710: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-00001720: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -1/host/bin/risc\n+00001720: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -2/host/bin/risc\n 00001730: 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 6370 7027 2027 v64-linux-cpp' '\n 00001740: 504b 475f 434f 4e46 4947 3d2f 686f 6d65 PKG_CONFIG=/home\n 00001750: 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 /naourr/work/ins\n-00001760: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-1/output-1\n+00001760: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-1/output-2\n 00001770: 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 706b 672d 636f /host/bin/pkg-co\n 00001780: 6e66 6967 2774 0b00 0000 434f 4e46 4947 nfig't....CONFIG\n 00001790: 5f41 5247 5373 0c00 0000 2f75 7372 2f69 _ARGSs..../usr/i\n 000017a0: 6e63 6c75 6465 740e 0000 0043 4f4e 4649 ncludet....CONFI\n 000017b0: 4e43 4c55 4445 4449 5273 1600 0000 2f75 NCLUDEDIRs..../u\n 000017c0: 7372 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7974 686f sr/include/pytho\n 000017d0: 6e32 2e37 740d 0000 0043 4f4e 4649 4e43 n2.7t....CONFINC\n 000017e0: 4c55 4445 5059 731b 0000 003a 706c 6174 LUDEPYs....:plat\n 000017f0: 2d6c 696e 7578 323a 6c69 622d 746b 3a6c -linux2:lib-tk:l\n 00001800: 6962 2d6f 6c64 740e 0000 0043 4f52 4550 ib-oldt....COREP\n 00001810: 5954 484f 4e50 4154 4873 4700 0000 2f68 YTHONPATHsG.../h\n 00001820: 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 00001830: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-1/outpu\n-00001840: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e t-1/build/python\n+00001840: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e t-2/build/python\n 00001850: 2d32 2e37 2e31 382f 636f 7665 7261 6765 -2.7.18/coverage\n 00001860: 2e69 6e66 6f74 0d00 0000 434f 5645 5241 .infot....COVERA\n 00001870: 4745 5f49 4e46 4f73 4500 0000 2f68 6f6d GE_INFOsE.../hom\n 00001880: 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f 696e e/naourr/work/in\n 00001890: 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-1/output-\n-000018a0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e 2d32 1/build/python-2\n+000018a0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e 2d32 2/build/python-2\n 000018b0: 2e37 2e31 382f 6c63 6f76 2d72 6570 6f72 .7.18/lcov-repor\n 000018c0: 7474 0f00 0000 434f 5645 5241 4745 5f52 tt....COVERAGE_R\n 000018d0: 4550 4f52 5473 3200 0000 2d2d 6e6f 2d62 EPORTs2...--no-b\n 000018e0: 7261 6e63 682d 636f 7665 7261 6765 202d ranch-coverage -\n 000018f0: 2d74 6974 6c65 2022 4350 7974 686f 6e20 -title \"CPython \n 00001900: 6c63 6f76 2072 6570 6f72 7422 7417 0000 lcov report\"t...\n 00001910: 0043 4f56 4552 4147 455f 5245 504f 5254 .COVERAGE_REPORT\n@@ -405,15 +405,15 @@\n 00001940: 6e63 6c75 6465 202d 445f 4c41 5247 4546 nclude -D_LARGEF\n 00001950: 494c 455f 534f 5552 4345 202d 445f 4c41 ILE_SOURCE -D_LA\n 00001960: 5247 4546 494c 4536 345f 534f 5552 4345 RGEFILE64_SOURCE\n 00001970: 202d 445f 4649 4c45 5f4f 4646 5345 545f -D_FILE_OFFSET_\n 00001980: 4249 5453 3d36 3474 0800 0000 4350 5046 BITS=64t....CPPF\n 00001990: 4c41 4753 7340 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f6e LAGSs@.../home/n\n 000019a0: 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 7461 aourr/work/insta\n-000019b0: 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-1/output-1/h\n+000019b0: 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-1/output-2/h\n 000019c0: 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 7636 342d ost/bin/riscv64-\n 000019d0: 6c69 6e75 782d 672b 2b74 0300 0000 4358 linux-g++t....CX\n 000019e0: 5874 0900 0000 435f 5448 5245 4144 5373 Xt....C_THREADSs\n 000019f0: 3f00 0000 2f75 7372 202f 7573 722f 6c69 ?.../usr /usr/li\n 00001a00: 6220 2f75 7372 2f6c 6962 2f70 7974 686f b /usr/lib/pytho\n 00001a10: 6e32 2e37 202f 7573 722f 6c69 622f 7079 n2.7 /usr/lib/py\n 00001a20: 7468 6f6e 322e 372f 6c69 622d 6479 6e6c thon2.7/lib-dynl\n@@ -871,15 +871,15 @@\n 00003660: 7461 6c6c 202d 6320 2d6d 2035 3535 740e tall -c -m 555t.\n 00003670: 0000 0049 4e53 5441 4c4c 5f53 4841 5245 ...INSTALL_SHARE\n 00003680: 4473 1300 0000 6c69 6270 7974 686f 6e32 Ds....libpython2\n 00003690: 2e37 2e73 6f2e 312e 3074 0a00 0000 494e .7.so.1.0t....IN\n 000036a0: 5354 534f 4e41 4d45 7348 0000 002f 686f STSONAMEsH.../ho\n 000036b0: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 000036c0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-000036d0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -1/host/bin/risc\n+000036d0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -2/host/bin/risc\n 000036e0: 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 672b 2b20 2d73 v64-linux-g++ -s\n 000036f0: 6861 7265 6474 0b00 0000 4c44 4358 5853 haredt....LDCXXS\n 00003700: 4841 5245 4474 0700 0000 4c44 464c 4147 HAREDt....LDFLAG\n 00003710: 5374 0600 0000 4c44 4c41 5354 730f 0000 St....LDLASTs...\n 00003720: 006c 6962 7079 7468 6f6e 322e 372e 736f .libpython2.7.so\n 00003730: 7409 0000 004c 444c 4942 5241 5259 740c t....LDLIBRARYt.\n 00003740: 0000 004c 444c 4942 5241 5259 4449 5274 ...LDLIBRARYDIRt\n@@ -1025,25 +1025,25 @@\n 00004000: 414d 4557 4f52 4b49 4e53 5441 4c4c 4449 AMEWORKINSTALLDI\n 00004010: 5274 1500 0000 5059 5448 4f4e 4652 414d Rt....PYTHONFRAM\n 00004020: 4557 4f52 4b50 5245 4649 5874 0a00 0000 EWORKPREFIXt....\n 00004030: 5059 5448 4f4e 5041 5448 7331 0100 005f PYTHONPATHs1..._\n 00004040: 5059 5448 4f4e 5f50 524f 4a45 4354 5f42 PYTHON_PROJECT_B\n 00004050: 4153 453d 2f68 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 ASE=/home/naourr\n 00004060: 2f77 6f72 6b2f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 /work/instance-1\n-00004070: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00004070: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00004080: 7079 7468 6f6e 2d32 2e37 2e31 3820 5f50 python-2.7.18 _P\n 00004090: 5954 484f 4e5f 484f 5354 5f50 4c41 5446 YTHON_HOST_PLATF\n 000040a0: 4f52 4d3d 2428 5f50 5954 484f 4e5f 484f ORM=$(_PYTHON_HO\n 000040b0: 5354 5f50 4c41 5446 4f52 4d29 2050 5954 ST_PLATFORM) PYT\n 000040c0: 484f 4e50 4154 483d 2428 7368 656c 6c20 HONPATH=$(shell \n 000040d0: 7465 7374 202d 6620 7079 7379 7363 6f6e test -f pysyscon\n 000040e0: 6669 6764 6174 6164 6972 2e74 7874 2026 figdatadir.txt &\n 000040f0: 2620 6563 686f 202f 686f 6d65 2f6e 616f & echo /home/nao\n 00004100: 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 urr/work/instanc\n-00004110: 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-1/output-1/bui\n+00004110: 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-1/output-2/bui\n 00004120: 6c64 2f70 7974 686f 6e2d 322e 372e 3138 ld/python-2.7.18\n 00004130: 2f60 6361 7420 7079 7379 7363 6f6e 6669 /`cat pysysconfi\n 00004140: 6764 6174 6164 6972 2e74 7874 603a 292e gdatadir.txt`:).\n 00004150: 2f4c 6962 3a2e 2f4c 6962 2f70 6c61 742d /Lib:./Lib/plat-\n 00004160: 6c69 6e75 7832 2070 7974 686f 6e32 2e37 linux2 python2.7\n 00004170: 7410 0000 0050 5954 484f 4e5f 464f 525f t....PYTHON_FOR_\n 00004180: 4255 494c 4473 0900 0000 7079 7468 6f6e BUILDs....python\n@@ -1083,15 +1083,15 @@\n 000043a0: 4943 4f44 4573 2c00 0000 2d6c 202d 7820 ICODEs,...-l -x \n 000043b0: 7465 7374 5f73 7562 7072 6f63 6573 7320 test_subprocess \n 000043c0: 7465 7374 5f69 6f20 7465 7374 5f6c 6962 test_io test_lib\n 000043d0: 3274 6f33 205c 740d 0000 0051 5549 434b 2to3 \\t....QUICK\n 000043e0: 5445 5354 4f50 5453 7343 0000 002f 686f TESTOPTSsC.../ho\n 000043f0: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 00004400: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-00004410: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -1/host/bin/risc\n+00004410: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -2/host/bin/risc\n 00004420: 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 7261 6e6c 6962 v64-linux-ranlib\n 00004430: 7406 0000 0052 414e 4c49 4273 1700 0000 t....RANLIBs....\n 00004440: 4d61 632f 5265 736f 7572 6365 732f 6672 Mac/Resources/fr\n 00004450: 616d 6577 6f72 6b74 0900 0000 5245 5353 ameworkt....RESS\n 00004460: 5243 4449 5274 0400 0000 766f 6964 740a RCDIRt....voidt.\n 00004470: 0000 0052 4554 5349 4754 5950 4574 0900 ...RETSIGTYPEt..\n 00004480: 0000 5255 4e53 4841 5245 4474 0900 0000 ..RUNSHAREDt....\n@@ -1196,15 +1196,15 @@\n 00004ab0: 524f 554e 4449 4e47 7329 0000 0078 6d6c ROUNDINGs)...xml\n 00004ac0: 2078 6d6c 2f64 6f6d 2078 6d6c 2f65 7472 xml/dom xml/etr\n 00004ad0: 6565 2078 6d6c 2f70 6172 7365 7273 2078 ee xml/parsers x\n 00004ae0: 6d6c 2f73 6178 740d 0000 0058 4d4c 4c49 ml/saxt....XMLLI\n 00004af0: 4253 5542 4449 5253 7339 0000 002f 686f BSUBDIRSs9.../ho\n 00004b00: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 00004b10: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-00004b20: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7974 686f 6e2d -1/build/python-\n+00004b20: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7974 686f 6e2d -2/build/python-\n 00004b30: 322e 372e 3138 740c 0000 0061 6273 5f62 2.7.18t....abs_b\n 00004b40: 7569 6c64 6469 7274 0a00 0000 6162 735f uilddirt....abs_\n 00004b50: 7372 6364 6972 7313 0000 0078 3836 5f36 srcdirs....x86_6\n 00004b60: 342d 7063 2d6c 696e 7578 2d67 6e75 7405 4-pc-linux-gnut.\n 00004b70: 0000 0062 7569 6c64 730a 0000 002f 7573 ...builds..../us\n 00004b80: 722f 7368 6172 6574 0b00 0000 6461 7461 r/sharet....data\n 00004b90: 726f 6f74 6469 7273 0400 0000 2f75 7372 rootdirs..../usr\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/python2.7/sysconfigdata/_sysconfigdata.pyc", "source2": "./usr/lib/python2.7/sysconfigdata/_sysconfigdata.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -241,15 +241,15 @@\n 00000f00: 365a 0000 648e 0253 288f 0200 0069 0000 6Z..d..S(....i..\n 00000f10: 0000 7418 0000 0041 435f 4150 504c 455f ..t....AC_APPLE_\n 00000f20: 554e 4956 4552 5341 4c5f 4255 494c 4474 UNIVERSAL_BUILDt\n 00000f30: 1500 0000 4149 585f 4745 4e55 494e 455f ....AIX_GENUINE_\n 00000f40: 4350 4c55 5350 4c55 5373 3f00 0000 2f68 CPLUSPLUSs?.../h\n 00000f50: 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 00000f60: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-1/outpu\n-00000f70: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-1/host/bin/ris\n+00000f70: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-2/host/bin/ris\n 00000f80: 6376 3634 2d6c 696e 7578 2d61 7274 0200 cv64-linux-art..\n 00000f90: 0000 4152 7402 0000 0072 6374 0700 0000 ..ARt....rct....\n 00000fa0: 4152 464c 4147 5374 0e00 0000 4154 4845 ARFLAGSt....ATHE\n 00000fb0: 4f53 5f54 4852 4541 4453 7314 0000 002d OS_THREADSs....-\n 00000fc0: 666e 6f2d 7374 7269 6374 2d61 6c69 6173 fno-strict-alias\n 00000fd0: 696e 6774 0a00 0000 4241 5345 4346 4c41 ingt....BASECFLA\n 00000fe0: 4753 7400 0000 0074 0b00 0000 4241 5345 GSt....t....BASE\n@@ -259,23 +259,23 @@\n 00001020: 7312 0000 002f 7573 722f 6c69 622f 7079 s..../usr/lib/py\n 00001030: 7468 6f6e 322e 3774 0a00 0000 4249 4e4c thon2.7t....BINL\n 00001040: 4942 4445 5354 730f 0000 002d 4c2e 202d IBDESTs....-L. -\n 00001050: 6c70 7974 686f 6e32 2e37 740a 0000 0042 lpython2.7t....B\n 00001060: 4c44 4c49 4252 4152 5973 4800 0000 2f68 LDLIBRARYsH.../h\n 00001070: 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 00001080: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-1/outpu\n-00001090: 742d 312f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-1/host/bin/ris\n+00001090: 742d 322f 686f 7374 2f62 696e 2f72 6973 t-2/host/bin/ris\n 000010a0: 6376 3634 2d6c 696e 7578 2d67 6363 202d cv64-linux-gcc -\n 000010b0: 7368 6172 6564 7409 0000 0042 4c44 5348 sharedt....BLDSH\n 000010c0: 4152 4544 7408 0000 0042 5549 4c44 4558 AREDt....BUILDEX\n 000010d0: 4574 0600 0000 7079 7468 6f6e 740b 0000 Et....pythont...\n 000010e0: 0042 5549 4c44 5059 5448 4f4e 7340 0000 .BUILDPYTHONs@..\n 000010f0: 002f 686f 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f ./home/naourr/wo\n 00001100: 726b 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 rk/instance-1/ou\n-00001110: 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f tput-1/host/bin/\n+00001110: 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f tput-2/host/bin/\n 00001120: 7269 7363 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 6763 riscv64-linux-gc\n 00001130: 6374 0200 0000 4343 7305 0000 002d 6650 ct....CCs....-fP\n 00001140: 4943 7408 0000 0043 4353 4841 5245 4473 ICt....CCSHAREDs\n 00001150: a100 0000 2d66 6e6f 2d73 7472 6963 742d ....-fno-strict-\n 00001160: 616c 6961 7369 6e67 202d 445f 4c41 5247 aliasing -D_LARG\n 00001170: 4546 494c 455f 534f 5552 4345 202d 445f EFILE_SOURCE -D_\n 00001180: 4c41 5247 4546 494c 4536 345f 534f 5552 LARGEFILE64_SOUR\n@@ -347,15 +347,15 @@\n 000015a0: 7527 2027 686f 7374 5f61 6c69 6173 3d72 u' 'host_alias=r\n 000015b0: 6973 6376 3634 2d62 7569 6c64 726f 6f74 iscv64-buildroot\n 000015c0: 2d6c 696e 7578 2d67 6e75 2720 2774 6172 -linux-gnu' 'tar\n 000015d0: 6765 745f 616c 6961 733d 7269 7363 7636 get_alias=riscv6\n 000015e0: 342d 6275 696c 6472 6f6f 742d 6c69 6e75 4-buildroot-linu\n 000015f0: 782d 676e 7527 2027 4343 3d2f 686f 6d65 x-gnu' 'CC=/home\n 00001600: 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 /naourr/work/ins\n-00001610: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-1/output-1\n+00001610: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-1/output-2\n 00001620: 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 7636 /host/bin/riscv6\n 00001630: 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 6763 6327 2027 4346 4-linux-gcc' 'CF\n 00001640: 4c41 4753 3d2d 445f 4c41 5247 4546 494c LAGS=-D_LARGEFIL\n 00001650: 455f 534f 5552 4345 202d 445f 4c41 5247 E_SOURCE -D_LARG\n 00001660: 4546 494c 4536 345f 534f 5552 4345 202d EFILE64_SOURCE -\n 00001670: 445f 4649 4c45 5f4f 4646 5345 545f 4249 D_FILE_OFFSET_BI\n 00001680: 5453 3d36 3420 202d 4f73 2020 2d44 5f46 TS=64 -Os -D_F\n@@ -364,39 +364,39 @@\n 000016b0: 464c 4147 533d 2d44 5f4c 4152 4745 4649 FLAGS=-D_LARGEFI\n 000016c0: 4c45 5f53 4f55 5243 4520 2d44 5f4c 4152 LE_SOURCE -D_LAR\n 000016d0: 4745 4649 4c45 3634 5f53 4f55 5243 4520 GEFILE64_SOURCE \n 000016e0: 2d44 5f46 494c 455f 4f46 4653 4554 5f42 -D_FILE_OFFSET_B\n 000016f0: 4954 533d 3634 2720 2743 5050 3d2f 686f ITS=64' 'CPP=/ho\n 00001700: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 00001710: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-00001720: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -1/host/bin/risc\n+00001720: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -2/host/bin/risc\n 00001730: 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 6370 7027 2027 v64-linux-cpp' '\n 00001740: 504b 475f 434f 4e46 4947 3d2f 686f 6d65 PKG_CONFIG=/home\n 00001750: 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 /naourr/work/ins\n-00001760: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 tance-1/output-1\n+00001760: 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 tance-1/output-2\n 00001770: 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 706b 672d 636f /host/bin/pkg-co\n 00001780: 6e66 6967 2774 0b00 0000 434f 4e46 4947 nfig't....CONFIG\n 00001790: 5f41 5247 5373 0c00 0000 2f75 7372 2f69 _ARGSs..../usr/i\n 000017a0: 6e63 6c75 6465 740e 0000 0043 4f4e 4649 ncludet....CONFI\n 000017b0: 4e43 4c55 4445 4449 5273 1600 0000 2f75 NCLUDEDIRs..../u\n 000017c0: 7372 2f69 6e63 6c75 6465 2f70 7974 686f sr/include/pytho\n 000017d0: 6e32 2e37 740d 0000 0043 4f4e 4649 4e43 n2.7t....CONFINC\n 000017e0: 4c55 4445 5059 731b 0000 003a 706c 6174 LUDEPYs....:plat\n 000017f0: 2d6c 696e 7578 323a 6c69 622d 746b 3a6c -linux2:lib-tk:l\n 00001800: 6962 2d6f 6c64 740e 0000 0043 4f52 4550 ib-oldt....COREP\n 00001810: 5954 484f 4e50 4154 4873 4700 0000 2f68 YTHONPATHsG.../h\n 00001820: 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f ome/naourr/work/\n 00001830: 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 instance-1/outpu\n-00001840: 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e t-1/build/python\n+00001840: 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e t-2/build/python\n 00001850: 2d32 2e37 2e31 382f 636f 7665 7261 6765 -2.7.18/coverage\n 00001860: 2e69 6e66 6f74 0d00 0000 434f 5645 5241 .infot....COVERA\n 00001870: 4745 5f49 4e46 4f73 4500 0000 2f68 6f6d GE_INFOsE.../hom\n 00001880: 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 2f77 6f72 6b2f 696e e/naourr/work/in\n 00001890: 7374 616e 6365 2d31 2f6f 7574 7075 742d stance-1/output-\n-000018a0: 312f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e 2d32 1/build/python-2\n+000018a0: 322f 6275 696c 642f 7079 7468 6f6e 2d32 2/build/python-2\n 000018b0: 2e37 2e31 382f 6c63 6f76 2d72 6570 6f72 .7.18/lcov-repor\n 000018c0: 7474 0f00 0000 434f 5645 5241 4745 5f52 tt....COVERAGE_R\n 000018d0: 4550 4f52 5473 3200 0000 2d2d 6e6f 2d62 EPORTs2...--no-b\n 000018e0: 7261 6e63 682d 636f 7665 7261 6765 202d ranch-coverage -\n 000018f0: 2d74 6974 6c65 2022 4350 7974 686f 6e20 -title \"CPython \n 00001900: 6c63 6f76 2072 6570 6f72 7422 7417 0000 lcov report\"t...\n 00001910: 0043 4f56 4552 4147 455f 5245 504f 5254 .COVERAGE_REPORT\n@@ -405,15 +405,15 @@\n 00001940: 6e63 6c75 6465 202d 445f 4c41 5247 4546 nclude -D_LARGEF\n 00001950: 494c 455f 534f 5552 4345 202d 445f 4c41 ILE_SOURCE -D_LA\n 00001960: 5247 4546 494c 4536 345f 534f 5552 4345 RGEFILE64_SOURCE\n 00001970: 202d 445f 4649 4c45 5f4f 4646 5345 545f -D_FILE_OFFSET_\n 00001980: 4249 5453 3d36 3474 0800 0000 4350 5046 BITS=64t....CPPF\n 00001990: 4c41 4753 7340 0000 002f 686f 6d65 2f6e LAGSs@.../home/n\n 000019a0: 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 7461 aourr/work/insta\n-000019b0: 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f68 nce-1/output-1/h\n+000019b0: 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f68 nce-1/output-2/h\n 000019c0: 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 7636 342d ost/bin/riscv64-\n 000019d0: 6c69 6e75 782d 672b 2b74 0300 0000 4358 linux-g++t....CX\n 000019e0: 5874 0900 0000 435f 5448 5245 4144 5373 Xt....C_THREADSs\n 000019f0: 3f00 0000 2f75 7372 202f 7573 722f 6c69 ?.../usr /usr/li\n 00001a00: 6220 2f75 7372 2f6c 6962 2f70 7974 686f b /usr/lib/pytho\n 00001a10: 6e32 2e37 202f 7573 722f 6c69 622f 7079 n2.7 /usr/lib/py\n 00001a20: 7468 6f6e 322e 372f 6c69 622d 6479 6e6c thon2.7/lib-dynl\n@@ -871,15 +871,15 @@\n 00003660: 7461 6c6c 202d 6320 2d6d 2035 3535 740e tall -c -m 555t.\n 00003670: 0000 0049 4e53 5441 4c4c 5f53 4841 5245 ...INSTALL_SHARE\n 00003680: 4473 1300 0000 6c69 6270 7974 686f 6e32 Ds....libpython2\n 00003690: 2e37 2e73 6f2e 312e 3074 0a00 0000 494e .7.so.1.0t....IN\n 000036a0: 5354 534f 4e41 4d45 7348 0000 002f 686f STSONAMEsH.../ho\n 000036b0: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 000036c0: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-000036d0: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -1/host/bin/risc\n+000036d0: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -2/host/bin/risc\n 000036e0: 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 672b 2b20 2d73 v64-linux-g++ -s\n 000036f0: 6861 7265 6474 0b00 0000 4c44 4358 5853 haredt....LDCXXS\n 00003700: 4841 5245 4474 0700 0000 4c44 464c 4147 HAREDt....LDFLAG\n 00003710: 5374 0600 0000 4c44 4c41 5354 730f 0000 St....LDLASTs...\n 00003720: 006c 6962 7079 7468 6f6e 322e 372e 736f .libpython2.7.so\n 00003730: 7409 0000 004c 444c 4942 5241 5259 740c t....LDLIBRARYt.\n 00003740: 0000 004c 444c 4942 5241 5259 4449 5274 ...LDLIBRARYDIRt\n@@ -1025,25 +1025,25 @@\n 00004000: 414d 4557 4f52 4b49 4e53 5441 4c4c 4449 AMEWORKINSTALLDI\n 00004010: 5274 1500 0000 5059 5448 4f4e 4652 414d Rt....PYTHONFRAM\n 00004020: 4557 4f52 4b50 5245 4649 5874 0a00 0000 EWORKPREFIXt....\n 00004030: 5059 5448 4f4e 5041 5448 7331 0100 005f PYTHONPATHs1..._\n 00004040: 5059 5448 4f4e 5f50 524f 4a45 4354 5f42 PYTHON_PROJECT_B\n 00004050: 4153 453d 2f68 6f6d 652f 6e61 6f75 7272 ASE=/home/naourr\n 00004060: 2f77 6f72 6b2f 696e 7374 616e 6365 2d31 /work/instance-1\n-00004070: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 312f 6275 696c 642f /output-1/build/\n+00004070: 2f6f 7574 7075 742d 322f 6275 696c 642f /output-2/build/\n 00004080: 7079 7468 6f6e 2d32 2e37 2e31 3820 5f50 python-2.7.18 _P\n 00004090: 5954 484f 4e5f 484f 5354 5f50 4c41 5446 YTHON_HOST_PLATF\n 000040a0: 4f52 4d3d 2428 5f50 5954 484f 4e5f 484f ORM=$(_PYTHON_HO\n 000040b0: 5354 5f50 4c41 5446 4f52 4d29 2050 5954 ST_PLATFORM) PYT\n 000040c0: 484f 4e50 4154 483d 2428 7368 656c 6c20 HONPATH=$(shell \n 000040d0: 7465 7374 202d 6620 7079 7379 7363 6f6e test -f pysyscon\n 000040e0: 6669 6764 6174 6164 6972 2e74 7874 2026 figdatadir.txt &\n 000040f0: 2620 6563 686f 202f 686f 6d65 2f6e 616f & echo /home/nao\n 00004100: 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 6e73 7461 6e63 urr/work/instanc\n-00004110: 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d31 2f62 7569 e-1/output-1/bui\n+00004110: 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 2d32 2f62 7569 e-1/output-2/bui\n 00004120: 6c64 2f70 7974 686f 6e2d 322e 372e 3138 ld/python-2.7.18\n 00004130: 2f60 6361 7420 7079 7379 7363 6f6e 6669 /`cat pysysconfi\n 00004140: 6764 6174 6164 6972 2e74 7874 603a 292e gdatadir.txt`:).\n 00004150: 2f4c 6962 3a2e 2f4c 6962 2f70 6c61 742d /Lib:./Lib/plat-\n 00004160: 6c69 6e75 7832 2070 7974 686f 6e32 2e37 linux2 python2.7\n 00004170: 7410 0000 0050 5954 484f 4e5f 464f 525f t....PYTHON_FOR_\n 00004180: 4255 494c 4473 0900 0000 7079 7468 6f6e BUILDs....python\n@@ -1083,15 +1083,15 @@\n 000043a0: 4943 4f44 4573 2c00 0000 2d6c 202d 7820 ICODEs,...-l -x \n 000043b0: 7465 7374 5f73 7562 7072 6f63 6573 7320 test_subprocess \n 000043c0: 7465 7374 5f69 6f20 7465 7374 5f6c 6962 test_io test_lib\n 000043d0: 3274 6f33 205c 740d 0000 0051 5549 434b 2to3 \\t....QUICK\n 000043e0: 5445 5354 4f50 5453 7343 0000 002f 686f TESTOPTSsC.../ho\n 000043f0: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 00004400: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-00004410: 2d31 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -1/host/bin/risc\n+00004410: 2d32 2f68 6f73 742f 6269 6e2f 7269 7363 -2/host/bin/risc\n 00004420: 7636 342d 6c69 6e75 782d 7261 6e6c 6962 v64-linux-ranlib\n 00004430: 7406 0000 0052 414e 4c49 4273 1700 0000 t....RANLIBs....\n 00004440: 4d61 632f 5265 736f 7572 6365 732f 6672 Mac/Resources/fr\n 00004450: 616d 6577 6f72 6b74 0900 0000 5245 5353 ameworkt....RESS\n 00004460: 5243 4449 5274 0400 0000 766f 6964 740a RCDIRt....voidt.\n 00004470: 0000 0052 4554 5349 4754 5950 4574 0900 ...RETSIGTYPEt..\n 00004480: 0000 5255 4e53 4841 5245 4474 0900 0000 ..RUNSHAREDt....\n@@ -1196,15 +1196,15 @@\n 00004ab0: 524f 554e 4449 4e47 7329 0000 0078 6d6c ROUNDINGs)...xml\n 00004ac0: 2078 6d6c 2f64 6f6d 2078 6d6c 2f65 7472 xml/dom xml/etr\n 00004ad0: 6565 2078 6d6c 2f70 6172 7365 7273 2078 ee xml/parsers x\n 00004ae0: 6d6c 2f73 6178 740d 0000 0058 4d4c 4c49 ml/saxt....XMLLI\n 00004af0: 4253 5542 4449 5253 7339 0000 002f 686f BSUBDIRSs9.../ho\n 00004b00: 6d65 2f6e 616f 7572 722f 776f 726b 2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 00004b10: 6e73 7461 6e63 652d 312f 6f75 7470 7574 nstance-1/output\n-00004b20: 2d31 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7974 686f 6e2d -1/build/python-\n+00004b20: 2d32 2f62 7569 6c64 2f70 7974 686f 6e2d -2/build/python-\n 00004b30: 322e 372e 3138 740c 0000 0061 6273 5f62 2.7.18t....abs_b\n 00004b40: 7569 6c64 6469 7274 0a00 0000 6162 735f uilddirt....abs_\n 00004b50: 7372 6364 6972 7313 0000 0078 3836 5f36 srcdirs....x86_6\n 00004b60: 342d 7063 2d6c 696e 7578 2d67 6e75 7405 4-pc-linux-gnut.\n 00004b70: 0000 0062 7569 6c64 730a 0000 002f 7573 ...builds..../us\n 00004b80: 722f 7368 6172 6574 0b00 0000 6461 7461 r/sharet....data\n 00004b90: 726f 6f74 6469 7273 0400 0000 2f75 7372 rootdirs..../usr\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/xml2Conf.sh", "source2": "./usr/lib/xml2Conf.sh", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n #\n # Configuration file for using the XML library in GNOME applications\n #\n XML2_LIBDIR=\"-L/usr/lib\"\n-XML2_LIBS=\"-lxml2 -L/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib -lz -lm \"\n+XML2_LIBS=\"-lxml2 -L/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-2/host/riscv64-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/lib -lz -lm \"\n XML2_INCLUDEDIR=\"-I/usr/include/libxml2\"\n MODULE_VERSION=\"xml2-2.9.10\"\n \n" }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/proftpd", "source2": "./usr/sbin/proftpd", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -87,15 +87,15 @@\n 0x0009e110 6c696173 3d726973 63763634 2d627569 lias=riscv64-bui\n 0x0009e120 6c64726f 6f742d6c 696e7578 2d676e75 ldroot-linux-gnu\n 0x0009e130 27202774 61726765 745f616c 6961733d ' 'target_alias=\n 0x0009e140 72697363 7636342d 6275696c 64726f6f riscv64-buildroo\n 0x0009e150 742d6c69 6e75782d 676e7527 20274343 t-linux-gnu' 'CC\n 0x0009e160 3d2f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f =/home/naourr/wo\n 0x0009e170 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 rk/instance-1/ou\n- 0x0009e180 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 62696e2f tput-1/host/bin/\n+ 0x0009e180 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 62696e2f tput-2/host/bin/\n 0x0009e190 72697363 7636342d 6c696e75 782d6763 riscv64-linux-gc\n 0x0009e1a0 63272027 43464c41 47533d2d 445f4c41 c' 'CFLAGS=-D_LA\n 0x0009e1b0 52474546 494c455f 534f5552 4345202d RGEFILE_SOURCE -\n 0x0009e1c0 445f4c41 52474546 494c4536 345f534f D_LARGEFILE64_SO\n 0x0009e1d0 55524345 202d445f 46494c45 5f4f4646 URCE -D_FILE_OFF\n 0x0009e1e0 5345545f 42495453 3d363420 202d4f73 SET_BITS=64 -Os\n 0x0009e1f0 20202d44 5f464f52 54494659 5f534f55 -D_FORTIFY_SOU\n@@ -103,19 +103,19 @@\n 0x0009e210 27202743 5050464c 4147533d 2d445f4c ' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_L\n 0x0009e220 41524745 46494c45 5f534f55 52434520 ARGEFILE_SOURCE \n 0x0009e230 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 36345f53 -D_LARGEFILE64_S\n 0x0009e240 4f555243 45202d44 5f46494c 455f4f46 OURCE -D_FILE_OF\n 0x0009e250 46534554 5f424954 533d3634 27202743 FSET_BITS=64' 'C\n 0x0009e260 50503d2f 686f6d65 2f6e616f 7572722f PP=/home/naourr/\n 0x0009e270 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 652d312f work/instance-1/\n- 0x0009e280 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 742f6269 output-1/host/bi\n+ 0x0009e280 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 742f6269 output-2/host/bi\n 0x0009e290 6e2f7269 73637636 342d6c69 6e75782d n/riscv64-linux-\n 0x0009e2a0 63707027 20274358 583d2f68 6f6d652f cpp' 'CXX=/home/\n 0x0009e2b0 6e616f75 72722f77 6f726b2f 696e7374 naourr/work/inst\n- 0x0009e2c0 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d312f ance-1/output-1/\n+ 0x0009e2c0 616e6365 2d312f6f 75747075 742d322f ance-1/output-2/\n 0x0009e2d0 686f7374 2f62696e 2f726973 63763634 host/bin/riscv64\n 0x0009e2e0 2d6c696e 75782d67 2b2b2720 27435858 -linux-g++' 'CXX\n 0x0009e2f0 464c4147 533d2d44 5f4c4152 47454649 FLAGS=-D_LARGEFI\n 0x0009e300 4c455f53 4f555243 45202d44 5f4c4152 LE_SOURCE -D_LAR\n 0x0009e310 47454649 4c453634 5f534f55 52434520 GEFILE64_SOURCE \n 0x0009e320 2d445f46 494c455f 4f464653 45545f42 -D_FILE_OFFSET_B\n 0x0009e330 4954533d 36342020 2d4f7320 202d445f ITS=64 -Os -D_\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/smartctl", "source2": "./usr/sbin/smartctl", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -14614,15 +14614,15 @@\n 0x0007bf98 686f7374 5f616c69 61733d72 69736376 host_alias=riscv\n 0x0007bfa8 36342d62 75696c64 726f6f74 2d6c696e 64-buildroot-lin\n 0x0007bfb8 75782d67 6e752720 27746172 6765745f ux-gnu' 'target_\n 0x0007bfc8 616c6961 733d7269 73637636 342d6275 alias=riscv64-bu\n 0x0007bfd8 696c6472 6f6f742d 6c696e75 782d676e ildroot-linux-gn\n 0x0007bfe8 75272027 4358583d 2f686f6d 652f6e61 u' 'CXX=/home/na\n 0x0007bff8 6f757272 2f776f72 6b2f696e 7374616e ourr/work/instan\n- 0x0007c008 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 312f686f ce-1/output-1/ho\n+ 0x0007c008 63652d31 2f6f7574 7075742d 322f686f ce-1/output-2/ho\n 0x0007c018 73742f62 696e2f72 69736376 36342d6c st/bin/riscv64-l\n 0x0007c028 696e7578 2d672b2b 27202743 5858464c inux-g++' 'CXXFL\n 0x0007c038 4147533d 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 AGS=-D_LARGEFILE\n 0x0007c048 5f534f55 52434520 2d445f4c 41524745 _SOURCE -D_LARGE\n 0x0007c058 46494c45 36345f53 4f555243 45202d44 FILE64_SOURCE -D\n 0x0007c068 5f46494c 455f4f46 46534554 5f424954 _FILE_OFFSET_BIT\n 0x0007c078 533d3634 20202d4f 7320202d 445f464f S=64 -Os -D_FO\n@@ -14630,27 +14630,27 @@\n 0x0007c098 274c4446 4c414753 3d272027 43505046 'LDFLAGS=' 'CPPF\n 0x0007c0a8 4c414753 3d2d445f 4c415247 4546494c LAGS=-D_LARGEFIL\n 0x0007c0b8 455f534f 55524345 202d445f 4c415247 E_SOURCE -D_LARG\n 0x0007c0c8 4546494c 4536345f 534f5552 4345202d EFILE64_SOURCE -\n 0x0007c0d8 445f4649 4c455f4f 46465345 545f4249 D_FILE_OFFSET_BI\n 0x0007c0e8 54533d36 34272027 43433d2f 686f6d65 TS=64' 'CC=/home\n 0x0007c0f8 2f6e616f 7572722f 776f726b 2f696e73 /naourr/work/ins\n- 0x0007c108 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 75742d31 tance-1/output-1\n+ 0x0007c108 74616e63 652d312f 6f757470 75742d32 tance-1/output-2\n 0x0007c118 2f686f73 742f6269 6e2f7269 73637636 /host/bin/riscv6\n 0x0007c128 342d6c69 6e75782d 67636327 20274346 4-linux-gcc' 'CF\n 0x0007c138 4c414753 3d2d445f 4c415247 4546494c LAGS=-D_LARGEFIL\n 0x0007c148 455f534f 55524345 202d445f 4c415247 E_SOURCE -D_LARG\n 0x0007c158 4546494c 4536345f 534f5552 4345202d EFILE64_SOURCE -\n 0x0007c168 445f4649 4c455f4f 46465345 545f4249 D_FILE_OFFSET_BI\n 0x0007c178 54533d36 3420202d 4f732020 2d445f46 TS=64 -Os -D_F\n 0x0007c188 4f525449 46595f53 4f555243 453d3227 ORTIFY_SOURCE=2'\n 0x0007c198 2027504b 475f434f 4e464947 3d2f686f 'PKG_CONFIG=/ho\n 0x0007c1a8 6d652f6e 616f7572 722f776f 726b2f69 me/naourr/work/i\n 0x0007c1b8 6e737461 6e63652d 312f6f75 74707574 nstance-1/output\n- 0x0007c1c8 2d312f68 6f73742f 62696e2f 706b672d -1/host/bin/pkg-\n+ 0x0007c1c8 2d322f68 6f73742f 62696e2f 706b672d -2/host/bin/pkg-\n 0x0007c1d8 636f6e66 69672700 31323334 35363738 config'.12345678\n 0x0007c1e8 39000000 00000000 31323334 35363700 9.......1234567.\n 0x0007c1f8 43505520 656e6469 616e6e65 73732064 CPU endianness d\n 0x0007c208 6f657320 6e6f7420 6d617463 6820636f oes not match co\n 0x0007c218 6d70696c 65207469 6d652074 65737400 mpile time test.\n 0x0007c228 46756e63 74696f6e 20736e70 72696e74 Function snprint\n 0x0007c238 66282920 646f6573 206e6f74 20636f6e f() does not con\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/sbin/smartd", "source2": "./usr/sbin/smartd", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "source2": "/home/naourr/work/instance-1/output-1/host/bin/riscv64-linux-readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.rodata {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -11279,15 +11279,15 @@\n 0x0006a538 61733d72 69736376 36342d62 75696c64 as=riscv64-build\n 0x0006a548 726f6f74 2d6c696e 75782d67 6e752720 root-linux-gnu' \n 0x0006a558 27746172 6765745f 616c6961 733d7269 'target_alias=ri\n 0x0006a568 73637636 342d6275 696c6472 6f6f742d scv64-buildroot-\n 0x0006a578 6c696e75 782d676e 75272027 4358583d linux-gnu' 'CXX=\n 0x0006a588 2f686f6d 652f6e61 6f757272 2f776f72 /home/naourr/wor\n 0x0006a598 6b2f696e 7374616e 63652d31 2f6f7574 k/instance-1/out\n- 0x0006a5a8 7075742d 312f686f 73742f62 696e2f72 put-1/host/bin/r\n+ 0x0006a5a8 7075742d 322f686f 73742f62 696e2f72 put-2/host/bin/r\n 0x0006a5b8 69736376 36342d6c 696e7578 2d672b2b iscv64-linux-g++\n 0x0006a5c8 27202743 5858464c 4147533d 2d445f4c ' 'CXXFLAGS=-D_L\n 0x0006a5d8 41524745 46494c45 5f534f55 52434520 ARGEFILE_SOURCE \n 0x0006a5e8 2d445f4c 41524745 46494c45 36345f53 -D_LARGEFILE64_S\n 0x0006a5f8 4f555243 45202d44 5f46494c 455f4f46 OURCE -D_FILE_OF\n 0x0006a608 46534554 5f424954 533d3634 20202d4f FSET_BITS=64 -O\n 0x0006a618 7320202d 445f464f 52544946 595f534f s -D_FORTIFY_SO\n@@ -11295,26 +11295,26 @@\n 0x0006a638 3d272027 43505046 4c414753 3d2d445f =' 'CPPFLAGS=-D_\n 0x0006a648 4c415247 4546494c 455f534f 55524345 LARGEFILE_SOURCE\n 0x0006a658 202d445f 4c415247 4546494c 4536345f -D_LARGEFILE64_\n 0x0006a668 534f5552 4345202d 445f4649 4c455f4f SOURCE -D_FILE_O\n 0x0006a678 46465345 545f4249 54533d36 34272027 FFSET_BITS=64' '\n 0x0006a688 43433d2f 686f6d65 2f6e616f 7572722f CC=/home/naourr/\n 0x0006a698 776f726b 2f696e73 74616e63 652d312f work/instance-1/\n- 0x0006a6a8 6f757470 75742d31 2f686f73 742f6269 output-1/host/bi\n+ 0x0006a6a8 6f757470 75742d32 2f686f73 742f6269 output-2/host/bi\n 0x0006a6b8 6e2f7269 73637636 342d6c69 6e75782d n/riscv64-linux-\n 0x0006a6c8 67636327 20274346 4c414753 3d2d445f gcc' 'CFLAGS=-D_\n 0x0006a6d8 4c415247 4546494c 455f534f 55524345 LARGEFILE_SOURCE\n 0x0006a6e8 202d445f 4c415247 4546494c 4536345f -D_LARGEFILE64_\n 0x0006a6f8 534f5552 4345202d 445f4649 4c455f4f SOURCE -D_FILE_O\n 0x0006a708 46465345 545f4249 54533d36 3420202d FFSET_BITS=64 -\n 0x0006a718 4f732020 2d445f46 4f525449 46595f53 Os -D_FORTIFY_S\n 0x0006a728 4f555243 453d3227 2027504b 475f434f OURCE=2' 'PKG_CO\n 0x0006a738 4e464947 3d2f686f 6d652f6e 616f7572 NFIG=/home/naour\n 0x0006a748 722f776f 726b2f69 6e737461 6e63652d r/work/instance-\n- 0x0006a758 312f6f75 74707574 2d312f68 6f73742f 1/output-1/host/\n+ 0x0006a758 312f6f75 74707574 2d322f68 6f73742f 1/output-2/host/\n 0x0006a768 62696e2f 706b672d 636f6e66 69672700 bin/pkg-config'.\n 0x0006a778 31323334 35363738 39000000 00000000 123456789.......\n 0x0006a788 31323334 35363700 43505520 656e6469 1234567.CPU endi\n 0x0006a798 616e6e65 73732064 6f657320 6e6f7420 anness does not \n 0x0006a7a8 6d617463 6820636f 6d70696c 65207469 match compile ti\n 0x0006a7b8 6d652074 65737400 46756e63 74696f6e me test.Function\n 0x0006a7c8 20736e70 72696e74 66282920 646f6573 snprintf() does\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/__init__.pyc", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/__init__.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 000b 0000 0040 0000 0073 2b00 0000 6400 .....@...s+...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6402 0064 0300 6404 0064 0500 .d..d..d..d..d..\n 00000030: 6406 0064 0700 6408 0064 0900 640a 0067 d..d..d..d..d..g\n 00000040: 0b00 5a00 0064 0b00 5328 0c00 0000 7408 ..Z..d..S(....t.\n 00000050: 0000 0061 7267 7479 7065 7374 0700 0000 ...argtypest....\n 00000060: 636f 6465 6765 6e74 0b00 0000 6465 6669 codegent....defi\n 00000070: 6e69 7469 6f6e 7374 0a00 0000 6465 6673 nitionst....defs\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/__init__.pyo", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/__init__.pyo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 000b 0000 0040 0000 0073 2b00 0000 6400 .....@...s+...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6402 0064 0300 6404 0064 0500 .d..d..d..d..d..\n 00000030: 6406 0064 0700 6408 0064 0900 640a 0067 d..d..d..d..d..g\n 00000040: 0b00 5a00 0064 0b00 5328 0c00 0000 7408 ..Z..d..S(....t.\n 00000050: 0000 0061 7267 7479 7065 7374 0700 0000 ...argtypest....\n 00000060: 636f 6465 6765 6e74 0b00 0000 6465 6669 codegent....defi\n 00000070: 6e69 7469 6f6e 7374 0a00 0000 6465 6673 nitionst....defs\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/argtypes.pyc", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/argtypes.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0004 0000 0040 0000 0073 1c08 0000 6400 .....@...s....d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6400 0064 0100 6c02 005a l..Z..d..d..l..Z\n 00000040: 0200 6503 005a 0400 6402 0065 0500 6601 ..e..Z..d..e..f.\n 00000050: 0064 0300 8400 0083 0000 595a 0600 6404 .d........YZ..d.\n 00000060: 0065 0600 6601 0064 0500 8400 0083 0000 .e..f..d........\n 00000070: 595a 0700 6406 0065 0600 6601 0064 0700 YZ..d..e..f..d..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/argtypes.pyo", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/argtypes.pyo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0004 0000 0040 0000 0073 1c08 0000 6400 .....@...s....d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6400 0064 0100 6c02 005a l..Z..d..d..l..Z\n 00000040: 0200 6503 005a 0400 6402 0065 0500 6601 ..e..Z..d..e..f.\n 00000050: 0064 0300 8400 0083 0000 595a 0600 6404 .d........YZ..d.\n 00000060: 0065 0600 6601 0064 0500 8400 0083 0000 .e..f..d........\n 00000070: 595a 0700 6406 0065 0600 6601 0064 0700 YZ..d..e..f..d..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/definitions.pyc", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/definitions.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0003 0000 0040 0000 0073 6b01 0000 6400 .....@...sk...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6402 0084 0000 5a02 0064 l..Z..d.....Z..d\n 00000040: 0300 8400 005a 0300 6404 0084 0000 5a04 .....Z..d.....Z.\n 00000050: 0064 0500 6505 0066 0100 6406 0084 0000 .d..e..f..d.....\n 00000060: 8300 0059 5a06 0064 0700 6507 0066 0100 ...YZ..d..e..f..\n 00000070: 6408 0084 0000 8300 0059 5a08 0064 0900 d........YZ..d..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/definitions.pyo", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/definitions.pyo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0003 0000 0040 0000 0073 6b01 0000 6400 .....@...sk...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6402 0084 0000 5a02 0064 l..Z..d.....Z..d\n 00000040: 0300 8400 005a 0300 6404 0084 0000 5a04 .....Z..d.....Z.\n 00000050: 0064 0500 6505 0066 0100 6406 0084 0000 .d..e..f..d.....\n 00000060: 8300 0059 5a06 0064 0700 6507 0066 0100 ...YZ..d..e..f..\n 00000070: 6408 0084 0000 8300 0059 5a08 0064 0900 d........YZ..d..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/defsparser.pyc", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/defsparser.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0003 0000 0040 0000 0073 a000 0000 6400 .....@...s....d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6400 0064 0100 6c02 005a l..Z..d..d..l..Z\n 00000040: 0200 6400 0064 0200 6c03 006d 0400 5a04 ..d..d..l..m..Z.\n 00000050: 006d 0500 5a05 006d 0600 5a06 006d 0700 .m..Z..m..Z..m..\n 00000060: 5a07 006d 0800 5a08 006d 0900 5a09 006d Z..m..Z..m..Z..m\n 00000070: 0a00 5a0a 006d 0b00 5a0b 006d 0c00 5a0c ..Z..m..Z..m..Z.\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/defsparser.pyo", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/defsparser.pyo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0003 0000 0040 0000 0073 a000 0000 6400 .....@...s....d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6400 0064 0100 6c02 005a l..Z..d..d..l..Z\n 00000040: 0200 6400 0064 0200 6c03 006d 0400 5a04 ..d..d..l..m..Z.\n 00000050: 006d 0500 5a05 006d 0600 5a06 006d 0700 .m..Z..m..Z..m..\n 00000060: 5a07 006d 0800 5a08 006d 0900 5a09 006d Z..m..Z..m..Z..m\n 00000070: 0a00 5a0a 006d 0b00 5a0b 006d 0c00 5a0c ..Z..m..Z..m..Z.\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/docextract.pyc", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/docextract.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0004 0000 0040 0000 0073 f701 0000 6400 .....@...s....d.\n 00000020: 005a 0000 6401 0064 0200 6c01 005a 0100 .Z..d..d..l..Z..\n 00000030: 6401 0064 0200 6c02 005a 0200 6401 0064 d..d..l..Z..d..d\n 00000040: 0200 6c03 005a 0300 6401 0064 0200 6c04 ..l..Z..d..d..l.\n 00000050: 005a 0400 6403 0067 0100 5a05 0064 0400 .Z..d..g..Z..d..\n 00000060: 6422 0064 0500 8400 0083 0000 595a 0600 d\".d........YZ..\n 00000070: 6504 006a 0700 6406 0083 0100 5a08 0065 e..j..d.....Z..e\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/docextract.pyo", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/docextract.pyo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0004 0000 0040 0000 0073 f701 0000 6400 .....@...s....d.\n 00000020: 005a 0000 6401 0064 0200 6c01 005a 0100 .Z..d..d..l..Z..\n 00000030: 6401 0064 0200 6c02 005a 0200 6401 0064 d..d..l..Z..d..d\n 00000040: 0200 6c03 005a 0300 6401 0064 0200 6c04 ..l..Z..d..d..l.\n 00000050: 005a 0400 6403 0067 0100 5a05 0064 0400 .Z..d..g..Z..d..\n 00000060: 6422 0064 0500 8400 0083 0000 595a 0600 d\".d........YZ..\n 00000070: 6504 006a 0700 6406 0083 0100 5a08 0065 e..j..d.....Z..e\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/override.pyc", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/override.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0003 0000 0040 0000 0073 6b00 0000 6400 .....@...sk...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6400 0064 0100 6c02 005a l..Z..d..d..l..Z\n 00000040: 0200 6400 0064 0100 6c03 005a 0300 6400 ..d..d..l..Z..d.\n 00000050: 0064 0100 6c04 005a 0400 6402 0084 0000 .d..l..Z..d.....\n 00000060: 5a05 0065 0200 6a06 0064 0300 8301 005a Z..e..j..d.....Z\n 00000070: 0700 6404 0064 0600 6405 0084 0000 8300 ..d..d..d.......\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/override.pyo", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/override.pyo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0003 0000 0040 0000 0073 6b00 0000 6400 .....@...sk...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6400 0064 0100 6c02 005a l..Z..d..d..l..Z\n 00000040: 0200 6400 0064 0100 6c03 005a 0300 6400 ..d..d..l..Z..d.\n 00000050: 0064 0100 6c04 005a 0400 6402 0084 0000 .d..l..Z..d.....\n 00000060: 5a05 0065 0200 6a06 0064 0300 8301 005a Z..e..j..d.....Z\n 00000070: 0700 6404 0064 0600 6405 0084 0000 8300 ..d..d..d.......\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/reversewrapper.pyc", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/reversewrapper.pyc", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0010 0000 0040 0000 0073 7006 0000 6400 .....@...sp...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6402 0065 0100 6a02 006b l..Z..d..e..j..k\n 00000040: 0600 5a03 0064 0300 8400 005a 0400 6404 ..Z..d.....Z..d.\n 00000050: 0065 0500 6601 0064 0500 8400 0083 0000 .e..f..d........\n 00000060: 595a 0600 6406 0065 0600 6601 0064 0700 YZ..d..e..f..d..\n 00000070: 8400 0083 0000 595a 0700 6408 0065 0600 ......YZ..d..e..\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/reversewrapper.pyo", "source2": "./usr/share/pygobject/2.0/codegen/reversewrapper.pyo", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@\n-00000000: 03f3 0d0a 59ee ff5e 6300 0000 0000 0000 ....Y..^c.......\n+00000000: 03f3 0d0a 0f13 005f 6300 0000 0000 0000 ......._c.......\n 00000010: 0010 0000 0040 0000 0073 7006 0000 6400 .....@...sp...d.\n 00000020: 0064 0100 6c00 005a 0000 6400 0064 0100 .d..l..Z..d..d..\n 00000030: 6c01 005a 0100 6402 0065 0100 6a02 006b l..Z..d..e..j..k\n 00000040: 0600 5a03 0064 0300 8400 005a 0400 6404 ..Z..d.....Z..d.\n 00000050: 0065 0500 6601 0064 0500 8400 0083 0000 .e..f..d........\n 00000060: 595a 0600 6406 0065 0600 6601 0064 0700 YZ..d..e..f..d..\n 00000070: 8400 0083 0000 595a 0700 6408 0065 0600 ......YZ..d..e..\n" } ] }