-- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/detector -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/detector/WhiteRectangleDetector.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/detector/MathUtils.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/detector/MonochromeRectangleDetector.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/detector/JavaMath.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/GridSampler.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/BitSource.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/reedsolomon -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/reedsolomon/GenericGF.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/reedsolomon/GenericGFPoly.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/reedsolomon/ReedSolomonException.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/reedsolomon/ReedSolomonDecoder.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/common/GlobalHistogramBinarizer.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/InvertedLuminanceSource.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/MultiFormatReader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/BarcodeFormat.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/ChecksumException.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/LuminanceSource.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/BinaryBitmap.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/FormatException.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/ErrorCorrectionLevel.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/decoder -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/decoder/DataMask.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/decoder/DataBlock.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/decoder/BitMatrixParser.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/decoder/DecodedBitStreamParser.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/decoder/Decoder.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/decoder/Mode.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/FormatInformation.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/Version.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/QRCodeReader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/detector -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/detector/FinderPattern.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/detector/FinderPatternFinder.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/detector/FinderPatternInfo.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/detector/AlignmentPatternFinder.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/detector/Detector.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/qrcode/detector/AlignmentPattern.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/EAN13Reader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/EAN8Reader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/OneDResultPoint.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/Code93Reader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/UPCEReader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/Code128Reader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/ITFReader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/Code39Reader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/MultiFormatUPCEANReader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/CodaBarReader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/MultiFormatOneDReader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/OneDReader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/UPCAReader.h -- Installing: /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include/zxing/oned/UPCEANReader.h >>> Finalizing target directory rm -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*.xml /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*.dtd /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/host/bin/glib-compile-schemas /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/host/i686-buildroot-linux-uclibc/sysroot/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas --targetdir=/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas No schema files found: doing nothing. mkdir -p /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc echo "buildroot" > /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc/hostname /bin/sed -i -e '$a \\tbuildroot' -e '/^' /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc/hosts mkdir -p /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc echo "Welcome to Buildroot" > /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc/issue /bin/sed -i -e s,^root:[^:]*:,root::, /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc/shadow rm -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/bin/sh rm -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/build/locales.nopurge for i in C en_US locale-archive; do echo $i >> /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/build/locales.nopurge; done for dir in /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/locale; do for langdir in $dir/*; do if [ -e "${langdir}" ]; then grep -qx "${langdir##*/}" /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/build/locales.nopurge || rm -rf $langdir; fi done; done if [ -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/X11/locale ]; then for lang in C en_US; do if [ -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/X11/locale/$lang/XLC_LOCALE ]; then echo "$lang/XLC_LOCALE: $lang"; fi done > /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/X11/locale/locale.dir; fi rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/include /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/aclocal \ /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/lib/pkgconfig /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/pkgconfig \ /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/lib/cmake /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/cmake find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/{lib,share}/ -name '*.cmake' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/lib/ /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/lib/ /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/libexec/ \ \( -name '*.a' -o -name '*.la' \) -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/gdb rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/bash-completion rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/zsh rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/man /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/man rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/info /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/info rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/doc /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/doc rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share/gtk-doc rmdir /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/usr/share 2>/dev/null || true find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target -type f \( -perm /111 -o -name '*.so*' \) -not \( -name 'libpthread*.so*' -o -name 'ld-*.so*' -o -name '*.ko' \) -print0 | xargs -0 /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/host/bin/i686-linux-strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note 2>/dev/null || true find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/lib/ -type f -name 'libpthread*.so*' | \ xargs -r /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/host/bin/i686-linux-strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --strip-debug find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/lib/ -type f -name 'ld-*.so*' | \ xargs -r /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/host/bin/i686-linux-strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --strip-debug test -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc/ld.so.conf && \ { echo "ERROR: we shouldn't have a /etc/ld.so.conf file"; exit 1; } || true test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc/ld.so.conf.d && \ { echo "ERROR: we shouldn't have a /etc/ld.so.conf.d directory"; exit 1; } || true mkdir -p /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc ( \ echo "NAME=Buildroot"; \ echo "VERSION=2017.11.2"; \ echo "ID=buildroot"; \ echo "VERSION_ID=2017.11.2"; \ echo "PRETTY_NAME=\"Buildroot 2017.11.2\"" \ ) > /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/target/etc/os-release >>> Sanitizing RPATH in target tree /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/buildroot/support/scripts/fix-rpath target make: Leaving directory `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/buildroot' make: Entering directory `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/buildroot' >>> Buildroot 2017.11.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 9755181e27175cb3510b4da8629caa406fb355a19aa8e7d55f06bf8ab33323c4) >>> host-lzip 1.19 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> toolchain-external Collecting legal info >>> skeleton Collecting legal info >>> skeleton-init-none Collecting legal info >>> skeleton-init-common Collecting legal info >>> toolchain-external-custom Collecting legal info >>> toolchain Collecting legal info >>> host-android-tools 4.2.2+git20130218 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for debian/copyright >>> host-openssl Collecting legal info >>> host-libopenssl 1.0.2n Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 9ee37d72966bb4a841343f0606ce44d41b3eae4df4285200c5a8ddc2b935992a) >>> host-zlib 1.2.11 Collecting legal info README: OK (sha256: 7960b6b1cc63e619abb77acaea5427159605afee8c8b362664f4effc7d7f7d15) >>> apr-util 1.6.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: ef5609d18601645ad6fe22c6c122094be40e976725c1d0490778abacc836e7a2) >>> apr 1.6.3 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: f854aeef66ecd55a126226e82b3f26793fc3b1c584647f6a0edc5639974c38ad) >>> host-autoconf 2.69 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYINGv3 ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.EXCEPTION >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-m4 1.4.18 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> host-automake 1.15.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: ab15fd526bd8dd18a9e77ebc139656bf4d33e97fc7238cd11bf60e2b9b8666c6) >>> util-linux 2.31 Collecting legal info README.licensing: OK (sha256: 1e4b65802b0df8115395c697029d03339f983d451a473a08643309c684410d9a) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.GPLv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.UCB: OK (sha256: ba7640f00d93e72e92b94b9d71f25ec53bac2f1682f5c4adcccb0018359f60f8) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.LGPLv2.1: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3: OK (sha256: 9b718a9460fed5952466421235bc79eb49d4e9eacc920d7a9dd6285ab8fd6c6d) sys-utils/rfkill.c: OK (sha256: 996126b78a42dd2eeea1256d78b7fd6dec090ea196365c0ccb46adc32bc92460) >>> host-pkgconf 0.9.12 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> linux-pam 1.3.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for Copyright >>> flex 2.6.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 97fd685958d93be7f8dab939bb8161dbd6afb0718c63bfc337c24321aea44273) >>> host-gettext Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) ERROR: No hash found for gettext-runtime/intl/COPYING.LIB >>> host-libxml2 2.9.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: c5c63674f8a83c4d2e385d96d1c670a03cb871ba2927755467017317878574bd) >>> host-flex 2.6.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 97fd685958d93be7f8dab939bb8161dbd6afb0718c63bfc337c24321aea44273) >>> ncurses 6.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for README >>> host-ncurses 6.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for README >>> readline 7.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> zlib 1.2.11 Collecting legal info README: OK (sha256: 7960b6b1cc63e619abb77acaea5427159605afee8c8b362664f4effc7d7f7d15) >>> berkeleydb 5.3.28 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> expat 2.2.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 46336ab2fec900803e2f1a4253e325ac01d998efb09bc6906651f7259e636f76) >>> openssl Collecting legal info >>> libopenssl 1.0.2n Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 9ee37d72966bb4a841343f0606ce44d41b3eae4df4285200c5a8ddc2b935992a) >>> sqlite 3210000 Collecting legal info tea/license.terms: OK (sha256: 66e056b6e8687f32af30d5187611b98b12a8f46f07aaf62f43585f276e8f0ac9) >>> armadillo 7.900.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE.txt: OK (sha256: 3ddf9be5c28fe27dad143a5dc76eea25222ad1dd68934a047064e56ed2fa40c5) >>> clapack 3.2.1 Collecting legal info F2CLIBS/libf2c/Notice: OK (sha256: 44561c447e91203ddc747beeca5cc2794d95ee982c17c578670e4f0408bc3904) COPYING: OK (sha256: 23014869214a231525b38c39fdb5f82364fa24154ac80fdcab2a79671460fd09) >>> host-cmake 3.8.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for Copyright.txt >>> augeas 1.8.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libxml2 2.9.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: c5c63674f8a83c4d2e385d96d1c670a03cb871ba2927755467017317878574bd) >>> bellagio 0.9.3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> blktrace 1.1.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libaio 0.3.110 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> bonnie 1.03e Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for copyright.txt >>> bullet 2.86.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE.txt >>> bzip2 1.0.6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> c-periphery v1.1.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> cairo 1.14.10 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYING-LGPL-2.1 ERROR: No hash found for COPYING-MPL-1.1 >>> fontconfig 2.12.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> freetype 2.8 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for docs/LICENSE.TXT ERROR: No hash found for docs/FTL.TXT ERROR: No hash found for docs/GPLv2.TXT >>> libpng 1.6.32 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> host-gperf 3.0.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libglib2 2.54.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> host-libglib2 2.54.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> host-libffi 3.2.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 0f4d7a0bfb83c37465d42dc305f124189196cc0cc2cc8d6f8461103682aebbc5) >>> host-pcre 8.41 Collecting legal info LICENCE: OK (sha256: 9ac4dfc82b2645ff77b56b759f95f28aa15ab15a03670fa6d4313a6b351e60f0) >>> host-util-linux 2.31 Collecting legal info README.licensing: OK (sha256: 1e4b65802b0df8115395c697029d03339f983d451a473a08643309c684410d9a) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.GPLv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.UCB: OK (sha256: ba7640f00d93e72e92b94b9d71f25ec53bac2f1682f5c4adcccb0018359f60f8) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.LGPLv2.1: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3: OK (sha256: 9b718a9460fed5952466421235bc79eb49d4e9eacc920d7a9dd6285ab8fd6c6d) sys-utils/rfkill.c: OK (sha256: 996126b78a42dd2eeea1256d78b7fd6dec090ea196365c0ccb46adc32bc92460) >>> libffi 3.2.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 0f4d7a0bfb83c37465d42dc305f124189196cc0cc2cc8d6f8461103682aebbc5) >>> pcre 8.41 Collecting legal info LICENCE: OK (sha256: 9ac4dfc82b2645ff77b56b759f95f28aa15ab15a03670fa6d4313a6b351e60f0) >>> pixman 0.34.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> cdrkit 1.1.11 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libcap 2.25 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for License >>> host-libcap 2.25 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for License >>> celt051 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libogg 1.3.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> civetweb v1.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE.md >>> cjson v1.6.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> connman 1.35 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> dbus 1.12.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 0e46f54efb12d04ab5c33713bacd0e140c9a35b57ae29e03c853203266e8f3a1) >>> iptables 1.6.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libnfnetlink 1.0.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> cppcms 1.0.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.TXT >>> libgcrypt 1.8.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LIB >>> libgpg-error 1.27 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LIB >>> cppzmq 68a7b09cfce01c4c279fba2cf91686fcfc566848 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> zeromq 4.1.6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LESSER >>> execline Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> skalibs Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> exim 4.89.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENCE >>> faad2 2.8.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> fbdump 0.4.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> fconfig 20080329 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for fconfig.c >>> fftw 3.3.6-pl2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> gamin 0.1.10 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-genext2fs 1.4.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> gesftpserver 0.2.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> git-crypt 0.5.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for parse_options.hpp >>> git 2.15.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 5b2198d1645f767585e8a88ac0499b04472164c0d2da22e75ecf97ef443ab32e) LGPL-2.1: OK (sha256: 1922f45d2c49e390032c9c0ba6d7cac904087f7cec51af30c2b2ad022ce0e76a) >>> libcurl 7.57.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: cbcf511f5702f7baf5424193a792bc9c18fab22bcbec2e6a587598389dc632c2) >>> glog v0.3.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 0fc497129c5c69ff6f22da6933c7e4aaef082fde8437fd57680c2780100772a4) >>> gmp 6.1.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LESSERv3 ERROR: No hash found for COPYINGv2 >>> googlefontdirectory Collecting legal info >>> htop 2.0.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> icu 59.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> host-icu 59.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> ipsec-tools 0.8.2 Collecting legal info >>> jpeg-turbo 1.5.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE.md >>> host-nasm 2.13.01 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> jpeg Collecting legal info >>> kmod 24 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for libkmod/COPYING >>> leptonica 1.74.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for leptonica-license.txt >>> libao 1.2.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libarchive 3.3.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> nettle 3.3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LESSERv3 ERROR: No hash found for COPYINGv2 >>> libeXosip2 3.6.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libosip2 3.6.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libebur128 v1.2.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: d6b4754bb67bdd08b97d5d11b2d7434997a371585a78fe77007149df3af8d09c) >>> libee 0.4.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libestr 0.1.10 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libfcgi 2.4.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE.TERMS >>> libid3tag 0.15.1b Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYRIGHT >>> liblo 0.26 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libmad 0.15.1b Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libmediaart 1.9.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LESSER >>> libmodplug Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libpcap 1.8.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> host-bison 3.0.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> libusb 1.0.21 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libsoup 2.56.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: b7993225104d90ddd8024fd838faf300bea5e83d91203eab98e29512acebd69c) >>> host-intltool 0.51.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-libxml-parser-perl 2.44 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for README >>> host-expat 2.2.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 46336ab2fec900803e2f1a4253e325ac01d998efb09bc6906651f7259e636f76) >>> libsvg-cairo 0.1.6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libsvg 0.1.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libtirpc 1.0.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libtommath 1.0.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> libuecc 7 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYRIGHT >>> libupnp 1.6.22 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 0375955c8a79d6e8fa0792d45d00fc4e7710d7ac95bcbd27f9225a83f5c946fd) >>> libvorbis 1.3.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> linuxptp 17c9787b1d6891636b5be9e4e5a08278b44e9a7a Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> log4cxx 0.10.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> lrzsz 0.12.20 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> lsuio 0.2.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> lz4 v1.7.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for lib/LICENSE ERROR: No hash found for programs/COPYING >>> madplay 0.15.2b Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYRIGHT >>> mdadm 4.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> minissdpd 1.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> host-mkpasswd Collecting legal info >>> modplugtools 0.5.3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> mp4v2 2.0.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> mrouted 3.9.7 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> mtdev 1.1.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> mtdev2tuio e1e7378d86abe751158e743586133022f32fa4d1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> nload 0.7.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> norm 1.5r6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE.TXT >>> host-python 2.7.14 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: d2d17b17388da74dc9c6bdbf78eb7237432c3f8a0c87852df740ec99de2ec680) >>> nvme v1.3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> odhcp6c 7533a6243dc3ac5a747cf6ccbc4d0539dafd3e07 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> openal 1.18.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-openocd 0.10.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-libftdi 0.20 Collecting legal info >>> host-libusb 1.0.21 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-libusb-compat 0.1.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> opkg v0.3.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-patchelf 0.9 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> pax-utils 1.2.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> picocom 2.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE.txt >>> poco poco-1.7.9-release Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> pps-tools 47333f24af878f67ce48022e8af16419713aa1ac Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-pwgen 2.07 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for debian/copyright >>> host-rauc 0.1.1 Collecting legal info >>> host-squashfs 3de1687d7432ea9b302c2db9521996f506c140a3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-lz4 v1.7.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for lib/LICENSE ERROR: No hash found for programs/COPYING >>> host-lzo 2.10 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-xz 5.2.3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.GPLv2 ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.GPLv3 ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LGPLv2.1 >>> s6-dns Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> s6-networking Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> s6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> sdparm 1.10 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> setserial 2.17 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for debian/copyright >>> slirp 8c2da74c1385242f20799fec8c04f8378edc6550 Collecting legal info >>> speex 1.2rc1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> squashfs 3de1687d7432ea9b302c2db9521996f506c140a3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> start-stop-daemon 1.18.10 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> tar 1.29 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> thttpd 2.25b Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for thttpd.c >>> trace-cmd trace-cmd-v2.6.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LIB >>> tremor 19427 Collecting legal info WARNING: no hash file for COPYING >>> unrar 5.5.8 Collecting legal info license.txt: OK (sha256: 6ecc1687808b7d66b24f874755abfed7464d9751ed0001cd4e8e5d9bf397ff8a) >>> usb_modeswitch 2.5.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> usbredir 0.7.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LIB >>> ushare 1.1a Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> vo-aacenc 0.1.3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> vorbis-tools 1.4.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> xl2tp v1.3.8 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> zip 30 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> zxing-cpp 0db7f855135222becff193671faae79c083424b6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING WARNING: the Buildroot source code has not been saved WARNING: toolchain-external-custom: cannot save license (TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: googlefontdirectory: cannot save license (GOOGLEFONTDIRECTORY_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: ipsec-tools-0.8.2: cannot save license (IPSEC_TOOLS_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: libftdi-0.20: cannot save license (HOST_LIBFTDI_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: rauc-0.1.1: cannot save license (HOST_RAUC_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: slirp-8c2da74c1385242f20799fec8c04f8378edc6550: cannot save license (SLIRP_LICENSE_FILES not defined) Legal info produced in /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/output/legal-info make: Leaving directory `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-1/buildroot'