Applying 0002-configure__set_macro_directory.patch using patch: Applying 0002-configure-remove-predefined-O2-optimization-flag.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2 with fuzz 2 (offset 1 line). patching file Applying using patch: patching file >>> sdl_net 620b0ba7dd84a0fdbd4cc8ef1b2be1cc10f90ae3 Updating config.sub and config.guess for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/sdl_net-620b0ba7dd84a0fdbd4cc8ef1b2be1cc10f90ae3 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done >>> prboom 2.5.0 Updating config.sub and config.guess for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/prboom-2.5.0 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done >>> pugixml 1.11.4 Patching >>> sdl_mixer d1725fcb7c4e987aeb7ecdc94cb8b6375b702170 Updating config.sub and config.guess for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/sdl_mixer-d1725fcb7c4e987aeb7ecdc94cb8b6375b702170 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done >>> sdl_net 620b0ba7dd84a0fdbd4cc8ef1b2be1cc10f90ae3 Patching libtool patching file /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/sdl_net-620b0ba7dd84a0fdbd4cc8ef1b2be1cc10f90ae3/ Hunk #1 succeeded at 1048 (offset -166 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 2018 (offset -221 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 4118 (offset -314 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 4128 (offset -314 lines). Hunk #5 succeeded at 4405 (offset -319 lines). Hunk #6 succeeded at 4670 (offset -324 lines). Hunk #7 succeeded at 5412 (offset -326 lines). Hunk #8 succeeded at 5570 (offset -326 lines). Hunk #9 succeeded at 8058 (offset -320 lines). >>> python-aiocoap 0.3 Patching >>> python-aiodns 2.0.0 Patching >>> python-aiohttp-jinja2 1.4.2 Patching >>> python-aiohttp 3.7.4 Patching >>> python-aiojobs 0.2.2 Patching >>> python-aiologstash 2.0.0 Patching >>> python-alsaaudio 0.8.4 Patching >>> python-arrow 0.15.2 Patching >>> python-asgiref 3.3.4 Patching >>> python-asn1crypto 1.3.0 Patching >>> python-async-timeout 3.0.1 Patching >>> python-attrs 19.3.0 Patching >>> python-autobahn 20.4.3 Patching >>> host-python-docutils 0.15.2 Patching >>> host-python-mistune 0.8.4 Patching Applying using patch: patching file >>> host-python-m2r 0.2.1 Patching >>> host-python-setuptools-scm 5.0.1 Patching >>> python-automat 20.2.0 Patching >>> python-babel 2.7.0 Patching >>> python-beautifulsoup4 4.8.1 Patching >>> python-bitstring 3.1.7 Patching >>> python-brotli 1.0.9 Patching >>> python-cchardet 2.1.6 Patching >>> python-certifi 2020.12.5 Patching >>> python-cffi 1.14.2 Patching >>> python-channels 2.3.1 Patching >>> python-characteristic 14.3.0 Patching >>> python-chardet 4.0.0 Patching >>> python-cheetah 3.2.4 Patching >>> host-python-setuptools-scm-git-archive 1.1 Patching >>> python-cheroot 8.2.1 Patching >>> python-click 7.1.2 Patching >>> python-constantly 15.1.0 Patching >>> python-couchdb 1.2 Patching >>> python-crc16 0.1.1 Patching >>> python-crcmod 1.7 Patching >>> host-python-pycparser 2.20 Patching >>> host-python-cffi 1.14.2 Patching >>> python-cryptography 3.0 Patching >>> host-python-cython 0.29.21 Patching >>> python-daphne 2.4.1 Patching Applying 0001-remove-pytest-runner-requirement.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 23 with fuzz 2. >>> python-dataproperty 0.50.1 Patching >>> python-dateutil 2.8.1 Patching >>> python-decorator 4.4.1 Patching >>> python-defusedxml 0.6.0 Patching >>> python-dialog3 3.5.1 Patching >>> python-dicttoxml 1.7.4 Patching >>> python-django 3.2.2 Patching >>> python-docker-pycreds 0.4.0 Patching >>> python-docker 4.1.0 Patching >>> python-docutils 0.15.2 Patching Applying using patch: patching file >>> python-entrypoints 0.3 Patching >>> python-filelock 3.0.12 Patching >>> python-fire 0.4.0 Patching >>> python-flask-sqlalchemy 2.4.1 Patching >>> python-flask 1.1.2 Patching >>> python-flup 1.0.3 Patching >>> python-gitdb2 2.0.6 Patching >>> python-humanize 0.5.1 Patching >>> python-hyperlink 19.0.0 Patching >>> python-idna 2.10 Patching >>> python-incremental 17.5.0 Patching >>> python-iniparse 0.5 Patching >>> python-iowait 0.2 Patching >>> python-itsdangerous 1.1.0 Patching >>> python-jaraco-classes 2.0 Patching >>> python-jaraco-functools 2.0 Patching >>> python-jinja2 2.11.3 Patching >>> host-python-vcversioner Patching >>> python-jsonschema 2.5.1 Patching >>> python-libconfig b271c3d9dac938ad5cd29b67bd08cc5536a5a391 Patching /bin/sed -i -e 's/boost_python/boost_python39/g' /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/python-libconfig-b271c3d9dac938ad5cd29b67bd08cc5536a5a391/ >>> python-logstash 0.4.6 Patching >>> python-m2r 0.2.1 Patching >>> python-markdown 3.2.1 Patching >>> python-markupsafe 1.1.1 Patching >>> python-mbstrdecoder 1.0.1 Patching >>> python-mistune 0.8.4 Patching >>> python-more-itertools 8.4.0 Patching >>> python-msgfy 0.1.0 Patching >>> python-multidict 5.0.2 Patching >>> python-mutagen 1.42.0 Patching >>> python-mwclient 0.10.1 Patching >>> python-mwscrape 568ccbe6e12dd6391277df02adf724ba0e5f9197 Patching >>> python-nested-dict 1.61 Patching >>> python-networkx 2.4 Patching >>> python-oauthlib 3.1.0 Patching >>> python-packaging 20.9 Patching >>> python-pathpy 12.0.1 Patching >>> python-pathvalidate 0.29.0 Patching >>> python-pexpect 4.8.0 Patching >>> python-pillow 8.2.0 Patching >>> python-prompt-toolkit 2.0.10 Patching >>> python-ptyprocess 0.6.0 Patching >>> python-pyasn1-modules 0.2.8 Patching >>> python-pyasn1 0.4.8 Patching >>> python-pycairo 1.19.1 Patching >>> python-pycares 3.1.1 Patching >>> python-pycparser 2.20 Patching >>> python-pyelftools 0.27 Patching >>> python-pyhamcrest 1.9.0 Patching >>> python-pylru 1.2.0 Patching >>> python-pynacl 1.4.0 Patching Applying 0001-Remove-spurious-requirement-for-wheel-596.patch using patch: patching file >>> python-pyopenssl 19.1.0 Patching >>> python-pyparsing 2.4.7 Patching >>> python-pyparted 3.11.6 Patching >>> python-pytablereader 0.26.1 Patching >>> python-pytz 2019.3 Patching >>> python-remi 2020.11.20 Patching >>> python-requests-oauthlib 1.3.0 Patching >>> python-requests-toolbelt 0.9.1 Patching >>> python-requests 2.25.1 Patching >>> python-rpi-ws281x 4.2.6 Patching Applying 0001-ws2811.c-fix-build-with-gcc-4.8.patch using patch: patching file lib/ws2811.c >>> python-scapy 2.4.4 Patching >>> python-schedule 0.6.0 Patching >>> python-service-identity 18.1.0 Patching >>> python-setproctitle 1.1.10 Patching >>> python-setuptools 44.0.0 Patching Applying 0001-add-executable.patch using patch: patching file setuptools/command/ patching file setuptools/command/ Hunk #1 succeeded at 12 (offset 1 line). Hunk #2 succeeded at 39 (offset 1 line). >>> python-sh 1.13.1 Patching >>> python-simplesqlite 0.45.2 Patching >>> python-six 1.15.0 Patching >>> python-smmap2 2.0.5 Patching >>> python-soupsieve 1.9.4 Patching >>> python-spidev 3.5 Patching >>> python-sqlalchemy 1.3.10 Patching >>> python-sqliteschema 0.16.2 Patching >>> python-sqlparse 0.3.0 Patching >>> python-tabledata 1.1.2 Patching >>> python-termcolor 1.1.0 Patching >>> python-texttable 1.6.3 Patching >>> python-tinyrpc 1.0.4 Patching >>> python-toml 0.10.2 Patching >>> host-python-incremental 17.5.0 Patching >>> python-twisted 20.3.0 Patching >>> python-txaio 20.4.1 Patching >>> python-typepy 1.1.5 Patching >>> python-typing-extensions Patching >>> python-ubjson 0.14.0 Patching >>> python-urllib3 1.26.4 Patching >>> python-wcwidth 0.1.9 Patching >>> python-webpy 0.40 Patching >>> python-websocket-client 0.58.0 Patching >>> python-werkzeug 1.0.1 Patching >>> python-wrapt 1.11.2 Patching >>> python-xlrd 1.2.0 Patching >>> python-xlutils 2.0.0 Patching >>> python-xlwt 1.3.0 Patching >>> python-xmltodict 0.12.0 Patching >>> python-yarl 1.6.3 Patching >>> python-zope-interface 5.3.0 Patching >>> host-python 2.7.18 Patching >>> host-dtc 1.6.0 Patching Applying 0001-Fix-include-guards-for-older-kernel-u-boot-sources.patch using patch: Applying using patch: patching file libfdt/fdt.h patching file libfdt/libfdt.h patching file libfdt/libfdt_env.h patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 542 (offset 46 lines). >>> host-libcap-ng 0.8.2 Patching Applying 0002-Fix-get_python_inc-for-cross-compilation.patch using patch: patching file Lib/distutils/ >>> host-pixman 0.40.0 Patching Applying using patch: patching file Hunk #2 succeeded at 1100 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 1110 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 1440 (offset 6 lines). patching file Applying 0004-Make-the-compilation-of-.pyc-and-.pyo-conditional.patch using patch: >>> host-libcap-ng 0.8.2 Updating config.sub and config.guess patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1145 (offset 6 lines). patching file for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/host-libcap-ng-0.8.2 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done Applying 0005-Adjust-getaddrinfo-test-for-cross-compilation.patch using patch: >>> host-libcap-ng 0.8.2 Patching libtool patching file >>> host-vde2 2.3.2 Patching Hunk #1 succeeded at 3569 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0001-Disable-tests.patch using patch: patching file /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/host-libcap-ng-0.8.2/ Hunk #1 succeeded at 2694 (offset 7 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 4284 (offset 7 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 6579 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 6589 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #5 succeeded at 6882 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #6 succeeded at 7174 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #7 succeeded at 8142 (offset 30 lines). Hunk #8 succeeded at 10771 (offset 61 lines). Applying 0006-Add-minimal-infrastructure-to-be-able-to-disable-ext.patch using patch: patching file patching file Hunk #3 succeeded at 1289 (offset 6 lines). patching file Applying 0001-no-cxx.patch using patch: Hunk #1 succeeded at 2494 (offset 3 lines). patching file Applying 0007-Adjust-library-header-paths-for-cross-compilation.patch using patch: patching file Applying 0002-fstp-Add-static-to-inline-functions.patch using patch: patching file Lib/distutils/command/ patching file Lib/distutils/ Applying 0008-Don-t-look-in-usr-lib-termcap-for-libraries.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 830 (offset 46 lines). patching file src/vde_switch/fstp.c >>> host-pixman 0.40.0 Updating config.sub and config.guess >>> host-vde2 2.3.2 Updating config.sub and config.guess Applying 0009-Fix-python-config-for-cross-builds.patch using patch: for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/host-pixman-0.40.0 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/host-vde2-2.3.2 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done patching file Hunk #3 succeeded at 1196 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 1260 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #5 succeeded at 1442 (offset 6 lines). patching file Misc/ patching file Hunk #4 succeeded at 4957 (offset 8 lines). Applying 0010-Remove-the-python-symlink-install-rules.patch using patch: >>> host-qemu 6.0.0 Patching patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 984 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0011-Don-t-add-multiarch-paths.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 507 (offset 46 lines). Applying 0012-Abort-on-failed-module-build.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 345 (offset 46 lines). Applying 0013-sqlite3-fix-build-when-threads-are-not-used-availabl.patch using patch: patching file Modules/_sqlite/connection.c Applying 0014-Serial-ioctl-workaround.patch using patch: patching file Modules/termios.c Applying 0015-Do-not-adjust-the-shebang-of-Python-scripts-for-cros.patch using patch: >>> qhull 8.0.2 Patching >>> qlibc 2.4.5 Patching patching file Lib/distutils/command/ Applying 0016-Add-an-option-to-disable-installation-of-test-module.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1054 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2841 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0017-Add-an-option-to-disable-pydoc.patch using patch: >>> qlibc 2.4.5 Updating config.sub and config.guess patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1068 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 1092 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2840 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2323 (offset 46 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 2349 (offset 46 lines). Applying 0018-Add-an-option-to-disable-lib2to3.patch using patch: for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/qlibc-2.4.5 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1061 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 1080 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 1093 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2852 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2324 (offset 46 lines). Applying 0019-Add-option-to-disable-the-sqlite3-module.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1059 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 1077 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 1099 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2840 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0020-Add-an-option-to-disable-the-tk-module.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1054 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 1068 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 1103 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2849 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0021-Add-an-option-to-disable-the-curses-module.patch using patch: >>> qlibc 2.4.5 Patching libtool >>> host-qoriq-rcw LSDK-20.12 Patching patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1066 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 1109 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2858 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0022-Add-an-option-to-disable-expat.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1062 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 1113 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2502 (offset 3 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1521 (offset 46 lines). Applying 0023-Add-an-option-to-disable-CJK-codecs.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2857 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0024-Add-an-option-to-disable-NIS.patch using patch: >>> qpid-proton 0.33.0 Patching patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2863 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0025-Add-an-option-to-disable-unicodedata.patch using patch: Applying 0001-c-src-proactor-epoll-internal.h-fix-build-on-musl.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2869 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0026-Add-an-option-to-disable-bsddb.patch using patch: patching file patching file c/src/proactor/epoll-internal.h Hunk #1 succeeded at 316 (offset 1 line). Hunk #1 succeeded at 1059 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 1076 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 1116 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2869 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0002-PROTON-2355-Fix-build-with-DPROACTOR-none.patch using patch: Applying 0027-Add-an-option-to-disable-the-ssl-module.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2869 (offset 6 lines). patching file c/CMakeLists.txt Hunk #1 succeeded at 478 (offset 14 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 498 (offset 14 lines). Applying 0028-Add-an-option-to-disable-the-bz2-module.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2875 (offset 6 lines). >>> host-gawk 5.1.0 Patching Applying 0029-Add-an-option-to-disable-the-zlib-module.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2881 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0030-Do-not-install-the-idle-editor.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1061 (offset 6 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 1076 (offset 6 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2324 (offset 46 lines). Applying 0001-no-versioned.patch using patch: Applying 0031-Add-an-option-to-disable-the-ossaudiodev-module.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 1238 with fuzz 2 (offset 65 lines). patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2933 (offset 6 lines). Applying 0001-user-exec-fix-usage-of-mcontext-structure-on-ARM-uCl.patch using patch: Applying 0032-Add-option-to-disable-the-hashlib-module.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2875 (offset 6 lines). patching file accel/tcg/user-exec.c >>> host-gawk 5.1.0 Updating config.sub and config.guess Applying 0033-Add-an-option-to-disable-readline-module.patch using patch: for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/host-gawk-5.1.0 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done Applying 0002-Fix-build-with-64-bits-time_t.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 2881 (offset 6 lines). >>> quagga 1.2.4 Patching Applying 0034-Override-system-locale-and-set-to-default-when-addin.patch using patch: patching file Hunk #1 succeeded at 476 (offset 46 lines). patching file contrib/vhost-user-input/main.c patching file hw/input/virtio-input-host.c Applying 0003-meson-add-tests-option.patch using patch: Applying 0001-fix-ipctl-forwarding.patch using patch: >>> host-gawk 5.1.0 Patching libtool >>> host-python 2.7.18 Updating config.sub and config.guess for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/host-python-2.7.18 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done patching file configure patching file patching file meson_options.txt patching file zebra/ipforward_sysctl.c Hunk #1 succeeded at 27 (offset -4 lines). Applying 0005-build-no-pie-is-no-functional-linker-flag.patch using patch: Applying 0002-lib-prefix.h-fix-build-with-gcc-10.patch using patch: patching file lib/prefix.h patching file configure Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch. 3 out of 3 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file configure.rej patching file pc-bios/optionrom/Makefile Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Skipping patch. 1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file pc-bios/optionrom/Makefile.rej make: *** [/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/host-qemu-6.0.0/.stamp_patched] Error 1 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... Applying 0003-Fix-build-with-gcc-10.patch using patch: patching file /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/host-gawk-5.1.0/extension/build-aux/ Hunk #1 succeeded at 2694 (offset 7 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 4284 (offset 7 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 6579 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 6589 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #5 succeeded at 6882 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #6 succeeded at 7174 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #7 succeeded at 8146 (offset 34 lines). Hunk #8 succeeded at 10778 (offset 68 lines). patching file pimd/pim_version.h patching file pimd/pimd.c patching file pimd/pimd.h >>> quagga 1.2.4 Updating config.sub and config.guess for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/quagga-1.2.4 -name $file); do cp support/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done >>> quagga 1.2.4 Patching libtool patching file /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/output-1/build/quagga-1.2.4/ Hunk #1 succeeded at 2694 (offset 7 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 4284 (offset 7 lines). Hunk #3 succeeded at 6579 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #4 succeeded at 6589 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #5 succeeded at 6882 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #6 succeeded at 7174 (offset 25 lines). Hunk #7 succeeded at 8140 (offset 28 lines). Hunk #8 succeeded at 10769 (offset 59 lines). make: Leaving directory `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-3/buildroot'