Building module cert... Building core object ClientCommand... Building module certauth... Building module chansaver... Building core object Socket... Building module clearbufferonmsg... Building module clientnotify... Building module controlpanel... Building core object SHA256... Building core object WebModules... Building module crypt... Building module ctcpflood... Building module dcc... Building core object Listener... Building module disconkick... Building core object Config... Building core object ZNCDebug... Building module fail2ban... Building core object Threads... Building module flooddetach... Building core object version... Building core object Query... Building core object SSLVerifyHost... Building module identfile... Building module imapauth... Building module keepnick... Linking znc... Building module kickrejoin... Building module lastseen... Building module listsockets... Building module log... Building module missingmotd... Building module modules_online... Building module nickserv... Building module notes... Building module notify_connect... Building module partyline... Building module perform... Building module q... Building module raw... Building module route_replies... Building module sample... Building module sasl... Building module savebuff... Building module schat... Building module send_raw... Building module shell... Building module simple_away... Building module stickychan... Building module watch... Building module webadmin... Linking module adminlog... Linking module alias... Linking module autoattach... Linking module autocycle... Linking module autoop... Linking module autoreply... Linking module autovoice... Linking module awaynick... Linking module awaystore... Linking module block_motd... Linking module blockuser... Linking module bouncedcc... Linking module buffextras... Linking module cert... Linking module certauth... Linking module chansaver... Linking module clearbufferonmsg... Linking module clientnotify... Linking module controlpanel... Linking module crypt... Linking module ctcpflood... Linking module dcc... Linking module disconkick... Linking module fail2ban... Linking module flooddetach... Linking module identfile... Linking module imapauth... Linking module keepnick... Linking module kickrejoin... Linking module lastseen... Linking module listsockets... Linking module log... Linking module missingmotd... Linking module modules_online... Linking module nickserv... Linking module notes... Linking module notify_connect... Linking module partyline... Linking module perform... Linking module q... Linking module raw... Linking module route_replies... Linking module sample... Linking module sasl... Linking module savebuff... Linking module schat... Linking module send_raw... Linking module shell... Linking module simple_away... Linking module stickychan... Linking module watch... Linking module webadmin... ZNC was successfully compiled. Use '/usr/bin/make install' to install ZNC to '/usr'. >>> znc 1.6.5 Installing to target PATH="/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/host/bin:/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/host/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games" /usr/bin/make -j4 DESTDIR=/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target install -C /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/build/znc-1.6.5/ test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/bin || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/bin test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/include/znc || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/include/znc test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/pkgconfig || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/pkgconfig test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/znc || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/znc test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc cp -R ./webskins /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc/webskins -type d -exec chmod 0755 '{}' \; find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc/webskins -type f -exec chmod 0644 '{}' \; /usr/bin/install -c znc /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/bin /usr/bin/install -c znc-buildmod /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/bin /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./include/znc/*.h /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/include/znc /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 include/znc/zncconfig.h /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/include/znc /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 znc.pc /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/pkgconfig rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc/modules test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/znc || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/znc test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc/modules || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc/modules rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/znc/*.so cp -R ./data/* /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc/modules find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc/modules -type d -exec chmod 0755 '{}' \; find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/znc/modules -type f -exec chmod 0644 '{}' \; /usr/bin/install -c /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/znc if test -n ""; then \ test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target || exit 1 ; \ /usr/bin/install -c /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target || exit 1 ; \ fi test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/man/man1 || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/man/man1 /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 znc.1.gz znc-buildmod.1.gz /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/man/man1 #test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target || /usr/bin/install -c -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target #/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./znc.service /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target ****************************************************************** ZNC was successfully installed. You can use '/usr/bin/znc --makeconf' to generate a config file. If you need help with using ZNC, please visit our wiki at: >>> Finalizing target directory /bin/sed -i -e '/# GENERIC_SERIAL$/s~^.*#~console::respawn:/sbin/getty -L console 0 vt100 #~' /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc/inittab /bin/sed -i -e '/^#.*-o remount,rw \/$/s~^#\+~~' /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc/inittab rm -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*.xml /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*.dtd /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/host/bin/glib-compile-schemas /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/host/powerpc64le-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas --targetdir=/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas No schema files found: doing nothing. mkdir -p /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc echo "buildroot" > /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc/hostname /bin/sed -i -e '$a \\tbuildroot' -e '/^' /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc/hosts mkdir -p /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc echo "Welcome to Buildroot" > /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc/issue /bin/sed -i -e s,^root:[^:]*:,root::, /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc/shadow rm -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/bin/sh rm -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/build/locales.nopurge for i in C en_US locale-archive; do echo $i >> /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/build/locales.nopurge; done for dir in /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/locale; do for langdir in $dir/*; do if [ -e "${langdir}" ]; then grep -qx "${langdir##*/}" /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/build/locales.nopurge || rm -rf $langdir; fi done; done if [ -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/X11/locale ]; then for lang in C en_US; do if [ -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/X11/locale/$lang/XLC_LOCALE ]; then echo "$lang/XLC_LOCALE: $lang"; fi done > /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/X11/locale/locale.dir; fi rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/include /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/aclocal \ /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/pkgconfig /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/pkgconfig \ /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/cmake /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/cmake find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/{lib,share}/ -name '*.cmake' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/lib/ /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/lib/ /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/libexec/ \ \( -name '*.a' -o -name '*.la' \) -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/gdb rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/bash-completion rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/zsh rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/man /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/man rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/info /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/info rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/doc /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/doc rm -rf /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share/gtk-doc rmdir /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/usr/share 2>/dev/null || true find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target -type f \( -perm /111 -o -name '*.so*' \) -not \( -name 'libpthread*.so*' -o -name 'ld-*.so*' -o -name '*.ko' \) -print0 | xargs -0 /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/host/bin/powerpc64le-linux-strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note 2>/dev/null || true find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/lib/ -type f -name 'libpthread*.so*' | \ xargs -r /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/host/bin/powerpc64le-linux-strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --strip-debug find /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/lib/ -type f -name 'ld-*.so*' | \ xargs -r /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/host/bin/powerpc64le-linux-strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --strip-debug test -f /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc/ && \ { echo "ERROR: we shouldn't have a /etc/ file"; exit 1; } || true test -d /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc/ && \ { echo "ERROR: we shouldn't have a /etc/ directory"; exit 1; } || true mkdir -p /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc ( \ echo "NAME=Buildroot"; \ echo "VERSION=2017.11-00051-gb885e92"; \ echo "ID=buildroot"; \ echo "VERSION_ID=2017.11"; \ echo "PRETTY_NAME=\"Buildroot 2017.11\"" \ ) > /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/target/etc/os-release >>> Sanitizing RPATH in target tree /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/buildroot/support/scripts/fix-rpath target make: Leaving directory `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/buildroot' make: Entering directory `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/buildroot' >>> Buildroot 2017.11-00051-gb885e92 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 9755181e27175cb3510b4da8629caa406fb355a19aa8e7d55f06bf8ab33323c4) >>> host-lzip 1.19 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> toolchain-external Collecting legal info >>> skeleton Collecting legal info >>> skeleton-init-sysv Collecting legal info >>> skeleton-init-common Collecting legal info >>> toolchain-external-custom Collecting legal info >>> toolchain Collecting legal info >>> alljoyn-tcl-16.04.00a 16.04.00 Collecting legal info >>> alljoyn-tcl 16.04.00a Collecting legal info >>> host-scons 2.5.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE.txt >>> host-python 2.7.14 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: d2d17b17388da74dc9c6bdbf78eb7237432c3f8a0c87852df740ec99de2ec680) >>> host-autoconf 2.69 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYINGv3 ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.EXCEPTION >>> host-libtool 2.4.6 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) >>> host-m4 1.4.18 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> host-automake 1.15.1 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: ab15fd526bd8dd18a9e77ebc139656bf4d33e97fc7238cd11bf60e2b9b8666c6) >>> host-expat 2.2.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 46336ab2fec900803e2f1a4253e325ac01d998efb09bc6906651f7259e636f76) >>> host-pkgconf 0.9.12 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-zlib 1.2.11 Collecting legal info README: OK (sha256: 7960b6b1cc63e619abb77acaea5427159605afee8c8b362664f4effc7d7f7d15) >>> arptables 0.0.4 Collecting legal info >>> axel 2.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> azure-iot-sdk-c 2017-06-30 Collecting legal info WARNING: no hash file for LICENSE >>> host-cmake 3.8.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for Copyright.txt >>> libcurl 7.57.0 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: cbcf511f5702f7baf5424193a792bc9c18fab22bcbec2e6a587598389dc632c2) >>> libssh2 616fd4d1b3e4a55de67c48819fefca83132126b5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> openssl Collecting legal info >>> libopenssl 1.0.2n Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 9ee37d72966bb4a841343f0606ce44d41b3eae4df4285200c5a8ddc2b935992a) >>> zlib 1.2.11 Collecting legal info README: OK (sha256: 7960b6b1cc63e619abb77acaea5427159605afee8c8b362664f4effc7d7f7d15) >>> libxml2 2.9.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: c5c63674f8a83c4d2e385d96d1c670a03cb871ba2927755467017317878574bd) >>> util-linux 2.31 Collecting legal info README.licensing: OK (sha256: 1e4b65802b0df8115395c697029d03339f983d451a473a08643309c684410d9a) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.GPLv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.UCB: OK (sha256: ba7640f00d93e72e92b94b9d71f25ec53bac2f1682f5c4adcccb0018359f60f8) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.LGPLv2.1: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3: OK (sha256: 9b718a9460fed5952466421235bc79eb49d4e9eacc920d7a9dd6285ab8fd6c6d) sys-utils/rfkill.c: OK (sha256: 996126b78a42dd2eeea1256d78b7fd6dec090ea196365c0ccb46adc32bc92460) >>> busybox 1.27.2 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: bbfc9843646d483c334664f651c208b9839626891d8f17604db2146962f43548) >>> libselinux 2.7 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> libsepol 2.7 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> host-flex 2.6.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 97fd685958d93be7f8dab939bb8161dbd6afb0718c63bfc337c24321aea44273) >>> host-gettext Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) ERROR: No hash found for gettext-runtime/intl/COPYING.LIB >>> host-libxml2 2.9.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: c5c63674f8a83c4d2e385d96d1c670a03cb871ba2927755467017317878574bd) >>> pcre 8.41 Collecting legal info LICENCE: OK (sha256: 9ac4dfc82b2645ff77b56b759f95f28aa15ab15a03670fa6d4313a6b351e60f0) >>> ncurses 6.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for README >>> host-ncurses 6.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for README >>> readline 7.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> bandwidthd v2.0.1-auto-r11 Collecting legal info >>> gd 2.2.5 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: d02dae2141d49b8a6b09b2b73e68a8f17d7bbeaaf02b3b841ee11fea2d9e328d) >>> fontconfig 2.12.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> expat 2.2.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 46336ab2fec900803e2f1a4253e325ac01d998efb09bc6906651f7259e636f76) >>> freetype 2.8 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for docs/LICENSE.TXT ERROR: No hash found for docs/FTL.TXT ERROR: No hash found for docs/GPLv2.TXT >>> libpng 1.6.32 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> host-gperf 3.0.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libpcap 1.8.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> host-bison 3.0.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> libnl 3.3.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libusb 1.0.21 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> batctl 2017.0 Collecting legal info >>> berkeleydb 5.3.28 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> cairo 1.14.10 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYING-LGPL-2.1 ERROR: No hash found for COPYING-MPL-1.1 >>> libglib2 2.54.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> host-libglib2 2.54.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) >>> host-libffi 3.2.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 0f4d7a0bfb83c37465d42dc305f124189196cc0cc2cc8d6f8461103682aebbc5) >>> host-pcre 8.41 Collecting legal info LICENCE: OK (sha256: 9ac4dfc82b2645ff77b56b759f95f28aa15ab15a03670fa6d4313a6b351e60f0) >>> host-util-linux 2.31 Collecting legal info README.licensing: OK (sha256: 1e4b65802b0df8115395c697029d03339f983d451a473a08643309c684410d9a) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.GPLv2: OK (sha256: 8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.UCB: OK (sha256: ba7640f00d93e72e92b94b9d71f25ec53bac2f1682f5c4adcccb0018359f60f8) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.LGPLv2.1: OK (sha256: dc626520dcd53a22f727af3ee42c770e56c97a64fe3adb063799d8ab032fe551) Documentation/licenses/COPYING.BSD-3: OK (sha256: 9b718a9460fed5952466421235bc79eb49d4e9eacc920d7a9dd6285ab8fd6c6d) sys-utils/rfkill.c: OK (sha256: 996126b78a42dd2eeea1256d78b7fd6dec090ea196365c0ccb46adc32bc92460) >>> libffi 3.2.1 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 0f4d7a0bfb83c37465d42dc305f124189196cc0cc2cc8d6f8461103682aebbc5) >>> lzo 2.10 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> pixman 0.34.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> cairomm 1.12.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libsigc 2.10.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> checkpolicy 2.7 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> flex 2.6.4 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 97fd685958d93be7f8dab939bb8161dbd6afb0718c63bfc337c24321aea44273) >>> chocolate-doom 2.3.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libsamplerate 0.1.9 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libsndfile 1.0.28 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> sdl 1.2.15 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> sdl_mixer 1.2.12 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> sdl_net 1.2.8 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> civetweb v1.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for >>> cracklib 2.9.6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LIB >>> host-cracklib 2.9.6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LIB >>> cryptsetup 1.7.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LGPL >>> lvm2 2.02.173 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LIB >>> popt 1.16 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> ddrescue 1.22 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> dnsmasq 2.78 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: dcc100d4161cc0b7177545ab6e47216f84857cda3843847c792a25289852dcaa) COPYING-v3: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> e2fsprogs 1.43.7 Collecting legal info NOTICE: OK (sha256: 680f852df303874fe9c722283a7da571ae9a0477768df8af1e363298e2adc51e) lib/ss/mit-sipb-copyright.h: OK (sha256: 032989b508f1a72ebee5b3417e55d06d473f9ee203e45ab11864a7e49cdec63d) lib/et/internal.h: OK (sha256: 47182fe6631a32f271a15bbe210751b3825b7199f588879aac7d4804fc8b4b8f) >>> e2tools 3158ef18a903ca4a98b8fa220c9fc5c133d8bdf6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> ed 1.14.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> f2fs-tools v1.8.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> fan-ctrl 1.3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for fan-ctrl.c >>> fbv 1.0b Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> gdk-pixbuf 2.36.10 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: d245807f90032872d1438d741ed21e2490e1175dc8aa3afa5ddb6c8e529b58e5) >>> host-gdk-pixbuf 2.36.10 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: d245807f90032872d1438d741ed21e2490e1175dc8aa3afa5ddb6c8e529b58e5) >>> host-libpng 1.6.32 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> host-genext2fs 1.4.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> gesftpserver 0.2.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> glibmm 2.54.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for >>> glm Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for copying.txt >>> harfbuzz 1.5.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for src/hb-ucdn/COPYING >>> initscripts Collecting legal info >>> irqbalance v1.0.9 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> leafnode2 2.0.0.alpha20140727b Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for COPYING.LGPL >>> lft 3.79 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libao 1.2.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libcgroup 0.41 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libebur128 v1.2.2 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: d6b4754bb67bdd08b97d5d11b2d7434997a371585a78fe77007149df3af8d09c) >>> libfcgi 2.4.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE.TERMS >>> libmpdclient 2.10 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libplist 2.0.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> librtlsdr v0.5.3 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libsodium 1.0.13 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> libtorrent 0.13.6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> libupnp 1.6.22 Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 0375955c8a79d6e8fa0792d45d00fc4e7710d7ac95bcbd27f9225a83f5c946fd) >>> libupnpp 0.16.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> linuxconsoletools 1.6.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> lshw B.02.18 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> lttng-babeltrace 1.5.2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for mit-license.txt ERROR: No hash found for gpl-2.0.txt ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> luksmeta 8 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 4b72eb6b5a336cd3ec837cc2d6347c23bf7574168db6b4802267700b93021abf) >>> mdadm 4.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> memtester 4.3.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> mobile-broadband-provider-info 20151214 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> mongoose 6.7 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> mpd-mpc 0.28 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> openntpd 6.2p2 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> openvpn 2.4.4 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYRIGHT.GPL >>> pango 1.40.12 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> pangomm 2.40.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING ERROR: No hash found for >>> host-patchelf 0.9 Collecting legal info COPYING: OK (sha256: 8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b31e975c1d90c73ad27b6b165a1dcd80c7c545eb65b903) >>> pngquant 2.10.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYRIGHT >>> procrank_linux 21c30ab4514a5b15ac6e813e21bee0d3d714cb08 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for NOTICE >>> ramspeed 2.6.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENCE >>> rapidjson v1.1.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for license.txt >>> rs485conf 5c8d00cf70950fab3454549b81dea843d844492a Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> rtorrent 0.9.6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> softether v4.22-9634-beta Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 7aeb873293fa0e44425dabf68a8e46e26c848fe58efcfd3ac7c90a3386f3edd1) >>> host-softether v4.22-9634-beta Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 7aeb873293fa0e44425dabf68a8e46e26c848fe58efcfd3ac7c90a3386f3edd1) >>> host-libopenssl 1.0.2n Collecting legal info LICENSE: OK (sha256: 9ee37d72966bb4a841343f0606ce44d41b3eae4df4285200c5a8ddc2b935992a) >>> host-readline 7.0 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> sqlcipher v3.2.0 Collecting legal info >>> host-tcl 8.6.6 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for license.terms >>> tcping 1.3.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE >>> thttpd 2.25b Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for thttpd.c >>> vnstat 1.17 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> wavemon v0.8.1 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for COPYING >>> znc 1.6.5 Collecting legal info ERROR: No hash found for LICENSE WARNING: the Buildroot source code has not been saved WARNING: toolchain-external-custom: cannot save license (TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: alljoyn-tcl-base-16.04.00: cannot save license (ALLJOYN_TCL_BASE_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: alljoyn-tcl-16.04.00a: cannot save license (ALLJOYN_TCL_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: arptables-0.0.4: cannot save license (ARPTABLES_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: bandwidthd-v2.0.1-auto-r11: cannot save license (BANDWIDTHD_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: batctl-2017.0: cannot save license (BATCTL_LICENSE_FILES not defined) WARNING: sqlcipher-v3.2.0: cannot save license (SQLCIPHER_LICENSE_FILES not defined) Legal info produced in /home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/output/legal-info make: Leaving directory `/home/buildroot/autobuild/run/instance-0/buildroot'